I swear everyday there's another CE thread where someone is crying, shezz... you can easily make the crown if you go from stratum 1 to stratum 3 basil by choosing your gate with as much arenas/tunnels with possible danger rooms as possible~ so here's my list of suggestions~
1. Stop whining
2. Choose your gate carefully to maximize profit
3. Stop whining
4. Get a JOB and buy CE
5. Stop whining
6. Too young to get a real job? offer your neighbors to do some yardwork
7. Stop whining
8. Wait 24hrs to fill up your mist tank
and lastly, did i mention STOP WHINING! (def of whining: To complain or protest in a childish fashion.)
OR if you don't like any of my suggestions, go play something else like Counting with Elmo~
Are we really going to do this? Really?