I bring you the newest Brandish...
It has a Good chance of curing Curse and Fire.
The description says it drenches the victims from head to miserable toe in lukewarm water. It also has a new damage type, "Pathetic" damage, which everything is strongly resistant to.
You big silly, that's obviously Aquos. Water-edge is the 3 star one behind it, with Dropletear and Brandrench being the 2 and 4 star ones.
You caught me Shrink, I just wanted to confuse people when it was officially released, D=
look on the bright side, slooms are rare......
Nice find! Some questions:
- does it turn the brandish into a slow sword, requiring asi to make it usable?
- does it put out vanas fireballs?
This just reminded me of something I noticed a while back.
There are no water-themed levels. We need some of those - and an ice one that isn't only snow falling. Snow on the floor/ground, ice as an obstacle hazard that makes you slip. Do it, OOO. I command you.
Politely, of course.
the only type of status in the game dat doenst have levels
we need a cheese lvl~ i like cheese...
Since when did we get this sword and a new status? God I am missing things.
Oh god, I thought we actually had a new sword. /e fail
What status does it inflict?