ok, Today I went with a party till the floor right before terminal at the lift and went solo so I could get recipes without having to fight with party in a speed contest. When I got onto lift bringing me down to the terminal solo and checked Basil's inventory, he had nothing in stock. Is this supposed to happen? I thought if I went solo, I was supposed to be able to buy recipes and they should have all still been there.
Question about Basil

awhile back people would sell basil ports so people could get recipes without going through the clockworks so they made it so that if you join at the Clockwork Terminal or the level just before it all of basil's recipes would end up being 0
ahh... Thanks for clarifying that. Makes a lot more sense to me now. What depth level would I have to join at in order to purchase basil's recipes? Would it even be possible for a person to join / skip a floor or 2 and still be able to purchase recipes from Basil?

From my experience:
Floor 11 - recipes
Floor 12 - no recipes
Floor 13 - no recipes
As long as you joined 2 floors before, even if you were unlucky enough to join right before the elevator (I think) you will get your shopping...
The reason they didn't want you to get recipes was if you were constantly being boosted from 12-13 that it would theoretically be the same as getting a port straight to basil. They could make their way to the elevator, boost you to the elevator right before and have you make your way down. Effectively trying to bypass the level and perhaps sell a boost.
Now, you're forced to go through at least a level to earn recipes. And the recipe list is the same one for everyone for that particular run.
So, as FernPanda points out. At least two depths before you can earn your shinies.
Basil's recipes aren't limited to one item per party. It's one per customer (i.e. all four of you can buy the same recipe if you wanted).
Once you buy one from him, it takes a day before he will sell you another copy of that same one. Each item is limited to one copy per customer per day.
So if my team gets to Basil and he has the Faust and Dark Thorn Shield blueprints, all four of us can buy a copy each. (And then sell them on the auction house for the big bucks.)
If I see Basil again later that day, and he has the Faust or Dark Thorn Shield blueprints in his inventory again, I CANNOT buy one if I bought it last time.
I can, however, still buy any blueprints other than those two. I could buy the Avenger and Firey Atomizer instead. (...If I still have the crowns at that point, anyway.)
lol first of all. EVERYONE gets the same recepies from Basil as everyone gets the same amount of heat, cr and hearts, yes hearts too !! so there is no need to do races who will go first. However you won't get any recepies from Basil if you joined the party at d12 and even d11 but I'm not 100% about the lat depth.