Enemies that drop items out of reach are not awesome
For example, there are some areas where Gun Puppies are on platforms that a player can't access. When you kill them they drop stuff (yay!) but you can't obtain the stuff they drop (gah!).
It would be nice if, once you kill all the enemies in the immediate area or something, paths open up that allow you to walk over and collect your spoils.
One thing that's annoying is when you step on a party switch that closes a gate behind you. Sometimes when you kill an enemy close to it, some of its drops will appear on the other side of the gate. The problem with this is the gate will not open again, so you have to leave the drops there. It would be nice if all the drops could be contained inside the current battle area.
I agree, see http://forums.spiralknights.com/node/233 (We made the same thread at the same time it seems)
Or give us all a vacuum pack that brings all the drops in a radius area to us. Have it take a while so people aren't temped to use it in the midst of battle.