helllo. i dont know which weapon should i use . atm i use avenger . i need second wep. idk should i go bomb or gun for t3. atm i got money to make only 1 4* . if i go for bomb i wanna master balster bomb and later nitronome. if i go for gun i wanna gigawat pulsar and later polaris . i love em both . the bomb is good cyz it has good speed awesome knockback and good dmg . if i get the polaris it ll hit only 1-2 mobs instead of almost all mobs in the map like the nitronome . but the gun is good of its expanding pellets and good knockback and charged and i am swordsman so when i need to brake something at distance or open gate i need gun cyz i aint be able with bomb . so idk what should i get . any help??? .
Thanks in advance . Sorrry for my bad english .
help me choose.
If you like the Pulsar line's knockback and mechanics, you may want to go with the Heavy Pulsar to Supernova upgrades as it will do normal damage instead of elemental.
ok guys thanks for tellling me that with the elem dmg . but can u tell me which of that 2 weapons will be better for me for t3 together with mine DA ??
ps:the polaris may be changed with the supernova .
So you should end up with:
1. Divine Avenger
2. Supernova
I don't think you should get the Nitro if you are not a serious bomber with bomber armor, though. You might consider the following as your third weapon slot (if you get it)
A. Fiery Vaporizer bombs - This deals damage to a large group of enemies and owns non-fire arenas
B. Static Vaporizer bombs - This deals less damage than Option A but shock can help your party stay alive (as long as there aren't any quicksilver slimes)
C. Flourish or Snarble Barb swords - Very good vs. beasts and fiends. OK damage vs Gremlins. (Beasts and gremlins resist elemental damage.)
if you are not a bomber you should get the Freezing Vaporizer it is better for non bombers and has good crowd control.
Well, if you're planning to upgrade your avenger to a divine avenger then you will already have something that does elemental dmg and has a powerful ranged attack. I'm not much of a bomber, so I can't comment as to the utility of the nitronome vs. the polaris, but I suppose what I would ask is if you really want to be carrying two elemental dmg weapons (DA and polaris) in the same build. I have a gigawatt pulsar that I'm working on crafting up to polaris, and it's a really fun and useful weapon, but if I'm carrying the gigawatt I generally balance it with a normal sword for the enemies that resist elemental dmg. Just a thought.