Yo NotoriousPurple here. I'm the greatest player this game will ever know. Infact I just had 2 people quit my group because they were mad jealous. Discuss.
Best SpiralKnights player
I didnt brag about my skills, champ. All I did was demolish everything. I think they were mad that they couldnt even get a hit in. Also my character's name is Notoriouspurple. If you want to wreck **** then add me.
Maybe the day will come when I'll be half as good as you, even then, it's wishful thinking.
You can add me to your list of haters, Aerath.
They be hating on your low latency, not yo skilzerz.
*Chokes on coffee* Here, is imo the Elite 8. (There IGN's.) The coolest, most damage giving, peeps I know.
9. Rits. For being cool and his solo vanaduke w/o dying.
8. Velcro. His super awesome vortex bomb combo.
7. Revolver. Cmon, you know he's cool. He never dies, doing damage always.
6. Sick. Sick is just sick..
5. Fallout. Bomb master, you gotta love it when it goes BOOM. Creator of the bombing guide as well.
4. Eeks. Data giver, bombing guide contributions, and a lot more.
3. Cootiecakes. Mad damage giver, nemesis of Njthug, and great UV's on weps. Nice as well.
1. Magnus. Heard of him, sounds awesome. So Njthug is now tied fer 1. Hahahahahahaha.
1. Njthug. I believe has every set in the game, is nice, can be a bomber gunner or a swordy. Doesn't die. Is awesome.
All this is what I thought of in 12 minutes. So might have left out a few excellent players.
Edit: Oops, forgot eeks sick and rits. Elite 8 now
is anyone who walks up to my character and just hands him free stuff
Best spiralknights player?
Prove it in PvP.
Don't really think this is the sort of game where you could even begin to try and determine the "best". Maybe when we get some of these super duper hard challenges in the next patch that were announced we'll have something to gauge skill on but i doubt it. Also connection plays a large part, you flat out can't do some stuff with a bit of lag that others can (think devilites, with some lag you cant takes some swipes then move on reaction to them throwing stuff, but in a lagless environment you'd be able to do it easily)
Yo jp I aint on your list. So I'm going to go ahead and just assume your lying.
/me looks at statement... then join date.
As fun as it is to tie little flags to our unmentionables and wave them about; are you guys really going to be taken in by a youngling with a big mouth?
There's a problem with this thread. What does it mean to be the best Spiral Knights player? From what I read, it looks like you're either talking about the best bombers when fighting enemies in clockworks or the best Spiral Knights blast player.
NOTE: if you're talking about blast network players of all time, then here's my top seven list based on who I faced. Came up with the list in a few minutes. If you're talking about best bomber, then I have no idea. On the list below, I'd put myself in the top 50 or 75 because there's so many good blast players.
Top 7 IGNs at Blast Network
7. Schlep (retired)
6. Flaame
5. Velcro
4. Khamsin
3. Irevolutioni
2. Illusionst
1. Lowric
looks at statement... then join date.
That statement is flawed. The join date is when you validate your e-mail address/join the forums, not when you actually joined the game. It's entirely possible that he's been around for a very long time... It just isn't very likely.
Hm, but it does nicely explain why no one here has recognized the name so far.
"As fun as it is to tie little flags to our unmentionables and wave them about"
Which is exactly what you're doing by pointing out someone's join date.
Obvious troll thread is obvious.
You'd have to Flawlessly Solo Vana...
With only Proto Gear...
And no Shield, not even Proto...
And only Proto Bomb as your weapon...
...I think I just made the Iron Challenge! :D
(Sorry for keeping the Troll Thread Alive. Just had to get it out. Stressful day today...)
This is probably a guy who raged quit when he couldnt even get a kill.
I'm just a guy who wants to have fun in SK & not make everyone mad, unlike you. :B
You people are going to rant about who's the best player..?
That is so, like...
Kennys-Knight. He's awesome.
What's the point of being mad because i'm better than you? It's just a game.
Best player on SK, eh?
Well now I know who to aim to take down. :w
It's not me, but doesn't ruin my day heh
Thinks Stitch is the best SK player. Because Stitch is blue, and fuzzy, and has 4 arms, and takes insane amounts of sadistic pleasure in destroying things.
IMO Rangerwill stated the best players...well.. best.
im still working on full 5* but im pretty close!
Also just for reference i've fought Vana in Skolver/Barbarous setup with only a maximum normal damage UV on my helm. also no DA or strong elemental other than polaris. And still won.
Stats only go so far. also if the OP is as great as he says he is then he has to prove it.
BTW i doubt anyone here actually have seen NotoriousPurple before am i right? Full Inspection and new pvp time.
But Sick still owns in Vanaduke with bomb only and 1 death solo
Sorry for keeping this thread up but I got bored and felt like proving a point (which i didn't really...idk its like midnight here).
People are actually taking the OP seriously?
You must be new to the internet.
It's impossible for anyone to determine the "best" player of SK since there's always going to be someone really good that you've never heard of.
In any case, the OP has no proof.
Magnus, whom I believe may have gotten banned, at least from the forums, probably deserves to be mentioned, though his name may go over the heads of players who aren't old hands at the game. Does anyone know what happened to him? He used to be very active on the forums, but I stopped seeing him a bit after the CE/gear binding patch. I've seen a player named Magnus in Guild, so I reckon he's still around.
I just logged on a minute ago and ran into Magnus first thing. He's still around. OOO just removed his ability to post on the forums.
Thank you very much for verifying this for me. I'd been wondering what happened to him for a long time, but since I hadn't talked to him since a bit before the game went public, it was sort of difficult to find him.
I like noobs who think they are best (not nessecarialy the OP)
"I'm teir 6"
"My gear is all teir 6"
That's proto gear. You are teir 1.
"No it's level 6."
But it's stars are zero.
"But it's teir 6"
I've actually met people who are like that. those n00bs....
@ those n00bs
Teir = Clockwork stratums
Stars = Base power of Item
Level = makes item about 5% stronger on low Star items If not less
Lock, Graveyard, Destroy, I don't care, just remove this Thread, NAOZ!
BTW "teir" is not a word...
and one tier is actually 2 strata not 1 stratum...
apart from that, pretty much agree with Ranger's list, even though I've only seen videos of most of those players...
Mag is online everyday, aavbb or whatever your name is.
what happened to magnus?
why cant he post?
can the best sk player show me a screenshot please?
Magnus is still here, he's on my friends list. If he goes on another run with me I'll post a pic.
But EVERYONE knows I'M the BEST spiral knights player is history. XD
Greetings, I'm the worst player on Spiral Knights. How does it feel to be the best?
Pumpkin pie is delicious!
Agreed. I haven't had pumpkin pie in ages, that's what spring and summer do.
On the subject of the best player... well there's most skilled, most likable, most creative, etc. I'm not really the most social player, so I know little about who's known and who isn't, but I'm content in that ignorant state.
clearly I'm the best.
Maybe they didn't like the modesty :)