Everyone and their mother has been complaining about :
A) The prices of a certain abbreviated tender
B) People can't play all day with mist
Now, this topic isn't about my opinions toward either of these subjects, but rather that there may be a way to make everyone happy, or at least go in the right direction.
Story time:
Along with Spiral Knights, I also play another MMO by the name of "Dragon Nest".
Dragon Nest - like SK - used a Fatigues system, allowing players to only play for "X" amount of time per day. When that time was up, they could do everything except complete quests and enter dungeons, but an outcry from the players - like in SK - caused DN to scrap the fatigue system and replace it with something similar, which they like to call "Pwr" (power).
Now, Power works just like mist, in the sense that entry into a dungeon costs "X" amount of points, however whenever a DN player runs out of power, they can still go into dungeons - with a catch.
Whenever a DN player goes into a dungeon without power, their drops and xp are SEVERELY shrunk (about 1/10th of the normal amount I think), allowing players to have the fun of continuous playing while not wreaking havoc on the actual game itself.
With this system, instead of 200 crowns a level a knight would only get 20, instead of 10 mats he/she would get 1, so on so forth. Now I play DN a lot, and whenever I run out of PWR, my day is pretty much done, as I can't really make much progress with anything, but the thing is that I CAN still make progress If I wanted to - and some days I do play longer, but It isn't ever by much.
Now, some people might say that doing this would add more crowns to the system, which we don't need, but mind you that this isn't a power-surge weekend. One knight doesn't reap the benefits of two, but instead ten knights share the benefit of one. If worse comes to worse, make it so that a knight can't gain ANY crowns without mist energy, just so players can still play.
Now as far as CE goes, there's not much you can do about the price of it - no matter which side/ conspiracy you decide to stand by, but the majority of the problem is that players have to take about two runs of the game to buy 100ce. The "Power" system is not meant to be an infinite source of crowns/ CE or to be another way to raise the price of CE, but a way to let players continuously work towards the goal of obtaining "X" amount for this run tomorrow, or enough to craft this piece of equipment, instead of feeling cut-off from the game because they can't play till the next day.
I'm not saying this is THE way to solve the problem, and I know there might be a hole or two there, but I'm trying to put out an idea that could lead the player base and OOO in the right direction. The reason why this is in GD instead of Suggestions, is that I'm wondering what the players would think, and to ask if there's any loop-holes or if this plan just wont work - and if not why?
Sorry for the wall of text btw :/
I would say I love the Idea, we can dungeon all we want, but we don't get as much crowns and mats.
That to me is a fair trade.
On top of that, its a great way to practice bosses, its almost like a training mode.
And of course it makes way for new players and people with lots of time to make extra side cash, it may not be a lot but as always its time vs money.
Maybe we could just cut out crowns altogether which would make OOO happy in the sense it wouldn't take away from CE benefits.
Replace the crowns with something, maybe special drops that are extremely rare, kinda like bomb-heads in Krogmo?
I would still dive like crazy if I only got special items that are just cosmetic on top of that it would make the costume part of the AH worth having :D
But of course the rate would have to be very very small like 0.05-0.01% chance of a costume drop.
Anyone else have suggestions?