More fiends! More fun!

Not fun on a non US connection :( or maybe thats just a global thing, in which case i think you're a little sadistic or have a full shadow set and DBB :F

Huzzah! An opportunity to inflate my ego by pretending to be pleased about the most broken monsters in the game being situated before FSC for the second time in a row!

And this is how you put an end to crown inflation
Fiends aren't broken. : ) They just require different strategies to survive than linear hack and slashing like some people might be used to on other monsters. With the right sword and the right timing, they're really not that bad at all.

Agreed. Fighting fiends in general requires a reverse strategy compared to other monsters. Shield up as much as possible, and only drop it to strike or run away. They all have the ability to close a gap quickly, and can murder you if your not paying attention. But they are also fairly easy to interrupt, so speed has major benefits when fighting them.

Key to victory, get invited at clockworks terminal ;)
Looks like I'll be inviting my guildies at the terminal again.
Fail trolls fail again
Am thinking of making a list of the biggest idiots in the game... Bigfootm can be #1 on the list
Why can't there be a Love Devilite that throws cakes at you (them gun puppies got one) >:3
The main problem with devilies isn't how hard and unforgiving they are, although that certainly doesn't help their situation. Given most settings and environments, with a lot of room to run, dodge, and kite, devilites are entirely manageable.
However, the Dark City levels make you fight in bathroom stalls, and THAT'S the problem. You have very limited mobility, little to no cover, and it's literally impossible to kite based on the enemies' aggro radii. This is very poor level design for any group of enemies, but especially troublesome for devilites.
If they gave proportionally more treasure for the highly increased risk of fighting them, no one would complain about devilites. But they don't drop that much, besides the (very) odd shadow steel, and the Dark City levels themselves are not particularly profitable. They're a waste of time and energy.
Barbarous Thorn Blade is your friend. Aside from that, if you don't like Fiends (I don't like them myself), do something about it. Get all your guildmates and all your friends to save up on Luminite (the yellow mineral) and deposit it all in Stratum 5 in the next FSC gate right before it changes. Complaining on the forums is not going to help, taking action will.
@Eldibs: Funny you should mention that. That's exactly what people did in the recent FSC gate. They added enough yellow to change the stratum to undead (purple + yellow) - and spawned Dark City anyway, which, while populated with 80% devilites, is still considered undead-themed as well as fiend-themed. And there will always be large groups of people trying to counteract your efforts to de-fiend the gate.
"Taking action" is pretty unreliable and is a stopgap solution when it does work. Why shouldn't we address the bigger problem of the purely bad level design in Dark City?

I thought I was happy that there weren't fiends this time.. Dropped all my yellow in S5 :P. And of course, there are fiends in undead maps. Yayz.
At least there are some kats, surrounded by develites.

i had my eye on getting you some more fiends bigfoot, so we'll see
The simple solution then would be to save up, say Green, to go with the Yellow, which would be the combo for Jelly, and hope that the people trying to force fiend don't have as many minerals as your group. Seeing as how a large portion of players dislike fiends (going by the complaining), it shouldn't be too hard to get a large enough group together, with some proper coordination. Anyways, my point is, complaining about them making the stratum a fiend stratum won't accomplish anything. The people who like fiends will keep liking fiends, and the people who don't, well, you get the point. At least continue trying to beat them at their own game.

Fiends are very, VERY easy if you think about it guys. Even without shadow defense.
Solution for people who complain about the oh so ever hard fiends:
Go make yourself a BTB (Barb thorn blade)
Go make yourself a DBB (Dark Briar Barage)
Go make yourself a CoA (Crest of Almire)
Go make yourself a Blitz Needle.
Piercing Weps and a shadow shield. Go even wear Valkyrie set, or if you are even pro enough, a FALLEN set *Bum bum bum!!*.
Or a dread skelly.

"And there will always be large groups of people trying to counteract your efforts to de-fiend the gate."
Well SOME people are de-sliming the stratum 6's I've been sliming. I really miss that D28 Jelly Farm 1...
My biggest problem isn't any of the above, it's that devilites really exacerbate any lag problems..which due to bad netcode and a lack of servers a lot of people, myself included, have. That or devilites have some kind of time mastery ability and are able to throw that piece of office furniture...a second ago. Not a big deal for other enemies who have charge times and/or slow moving projectiles when attacking from a range but devilites seem to have neither
If YOU think about it for a second, how are these so called noobs supposed to get a crest of almire, if they cant beat fiends and you keep voteing for fiends in s5 before fsc????? Honestly your stupidness knows no bounds. There really should be a tax on ignorance.
Oh and not every player has enough disposible income/time like you to waste buying/getting enough CE to regear. It can take months to get enough CE from scratch for a full 5* set and weapons and shield.
Be the nice guy, stop screwing with people that have done nothing to you. Just becuase they can't hit you through your monitor screen doesn't mean you should be a prick.

Mattress your complaining is really annoying. If your not good enough to beat FSC with fiends, don't go in it?
As annoying as linking motifake posters that are probably older than you?
Well you clearly didnt read my posts then, I NEVER said i cant beat fiends, I can play them just fine thanks. Im complaining about eiltest scumbags like yourself, putting my friends off playing, loosing OOO players/money, and that I'm actually just fed up of seeing the same fiends before FSC.
If you want to fight fiends so bad then go change a different gate you can have 2 stratums full of them. Then the rest of us dont have to put up with your silly trollish games.
Moogzor also has the point of devilites become a pain in the arse with lag, and if your not playing in yankydoodle land and dont have that great of a connection sometimes your hitbox can be almost as big as your ego.
Thou shall not win again!