hello. im quite new in the game, but i already have plans for the far future, and i wanna ask if i have 3 weapons with piercing, elemental and shadow damage do i need normal damage too? and if yes, why?
Normal damage?O.o
I usually find that guns save my life in arenas.I suggest a gun with normal damage.Blaster line is good for pure normal damage.this might need a 4th wepeon slot.
I really don't think you need a normal gun. As a gunner it is your job to specialize in damage types. If there is a big mob, just use a polaris or something.
Get another wep, get a normal gun What to get? Why only a supernova of course.
No normal! He'll probably have a polaris any way.
A polaris is used for one place, that is FSC. So, if they were smart, you would get those 3 swords, (Prefferably DA, BTB, and GF) and then a supernova for the AoE and it's normal damage. If your only gonna get one gun, get a Valiance of Supernova. Or a Iron Slug if your a fool.xD
Actually, in a previous post he stated that he would be gunslinger. i didn't really read the OP though, and just started to blab about guns. A normal damage weapon might be useful, but not necessarily needed if you have all damage types covered.
Yeah I agree with the suggestion: if you have three damage types covered with your favorite weapon class, then you are all set. Your fourth weapon can be a normal sword, normal gun or status bomb as a sidearm.
Lets bring here a potent answer ...
If you have 3 SWORDS with any dmg type, you don't need anything else. If you want a gun, so you should take a normal one, so you can use it against anything. Optional use Elementar Gun, because most Mobs you wanna kill are normal or weak against guns. Wolver will avoid anyway most of all your shots (they are strong against ele) and the other type ist gremlin.
If you use GUNS ONLY, you should use again 3 different type GUNS, and alternate use a normal sword.
Normally 2-3 weapons are enough, 4 helps pretty much.
You can safe Energy if you buy every day one slot (while you dont play) so you pay 150 CE and 100 Mist energy instead of 250 Crytal Energy (CE).
You can safe Energy if you buy every day one slot (while you dont play) so you pay 150 CE and 100 Mist energy instead of 250 Crytal Energy (CE).
That's supposing you gain less by playing your 100 ME out than the price of 100 CE, which seems only true for players very young at the game...
(the other case is that you have no time to play your Mist... then of course crafting or buying a slot is better).
@ Tipiak i often buy for "150" energy a slot and sell it for 12'000 wich gives me over 200 Energy back ;) if i dont play i still get 50 CE immediately
If you have all 3 damage types covered, then there is no need for a normal damage weapon.
The only time you might consider it is if it were a different weapon type, or had a useful charge or effect. For example, if you have 3 swords covering all 3 damage types you may elect to get a gun as well. Or you may choose to get a status bomb to complement your fighting. These would be entirely optional though, with all 3 damage types covered you are fine.