I'm quite new to the game, ive currently got full 3 star gear and im looking for the best way to make crowns. I want to know what the best gate is, Should i solo? Tier 1 or tier 2? Etc. Any helpful information would be useful
Best way for me to make crowns?

Solo is best when you just need tons of mats. It doesn't seem to impact crowns at all. In fact with a good group the trip may be safer, and since crowns go to everyone (if you pick up a ten piece, you and I get 10 each), there's no crown-reason I can think of to solo.
If you can do T2, do jelly king trips as mentioned above. Once you get to T3, do firestorm citadel.
Tier 1 runs are a great way to revisit Tier 2 on the same gate all week without spending the crowns to skip Tier 1 so, no, they are NOT useless especially in regards to making as many crowns as possible.

Skip the first stratum of whatever tier you can comfortably run. You can make a bit more by going solo and selling mats.
A depth 6 arena can net you ~2000 crowns for all 3 rooms where a depth 2 would only drop ~500 crowns (guessing). Regardless the reward for playing the first stratum is a trip to basil. The reward for the second stratum of a tier is crowns.
Skip the first stratum of whatever tier you can comfortably run.
How, pray tell, do you do that?
The only means I have found is to get invited in at the desired point.
Are there other means?

Make friends with random people you do runs with and or join an active guild. It is not always possible with full parties and such but the more people you know the better your chances.

Join a party at JK depths.Make sure to not energy revive that often.I usually get 6-8k per run.What are your current weapons at the moment?
Jelly king runs.Do not go to JK if you do not need his coins.Jelly King runs these days pay off decently.Tier one runs are just useless.