Ok i won a Iron Bombhead mask in battle network. How come i can not trade it? Are all masks bound? Sometimes i see masking in the AH so why is mine different? please and thank you!
Won a bomb mask!
The ones in the Auction House were likely won prior to the patch that made all bombhead masks auto-bind.
i think the ones in the AH are the ones u buy from sulivan, which u can unbind i think.
and congrats to winning the mask. i got 4 of them. the spiral one (from the promotion for blast netowkr), then shocking about a week ago, then the day after, i got azure, then the day after i got checkered.
methinks that bombheads are getting more and more common now...
I bought recipes with my krongo coins, they are marked untradable as well! Very frustrating. All bomb bast items except mod cals seem to be untradable, no mater how you got them.
the bomb masks in the AH were most likely bought before they added the binding patch .. it was like 1 day after the bombnetwork came out
All masks won in Blastnetwork are auto bound, the ones in the ah are probably rare drops.