I agree to a price, arrive at a meeting place with the seller, and then get the "There's just one problem" routine. These people intentionally deceive potential buyers by withholding the information that they do not have enough ce to unbind the gear they are advertising. They waste many players time with these dishonest selling attempts. I so wish these kind of scammers could somehow be banned from the game. It's not about being poor or in desperate "need" of money. It's plain dishonesty and rudeness and should not be allowed.
I'm so tired of liars who can't unbind what they are selling.
Lol.First you can complain about them for scamming.SK developers aren't that dumb,they will expect scammers.
I have been scammed before (200ce for crafting) not that much but it still hurt me. I understand your feelings. But still i agreed to provide 1800 ce WITHOUT collateral for one guy for a blackened crest since he had a decent 5* items with MAX UV. I also sold my Vog Coat getting 3k CE for unbind with only 50k collateral. Usually scammers won't cheat for only 1800 CE when they CAN lose all their 5* gears. So good advice to you is to check whether or not they have 5* gear. Of course the best solution would be if the devs could provide a bulletproof environment where buyers can provide unbind CE without getting cheated.
It is better to unbind first and sell, but not every time you have the funds to unbind, so in the end it is a personal choice for every buyer to trust or not. Some people can trust, you might not.
PS: It is NOT against the rules to ask for the unbind CE first, so plz don't say that we always should unbind items before selling. As a buyer u can request it though.
You could just craft it yourself and solve this whole problem...
Yeah, but the problem is you can't craft willingly UV'ed items.
Then don't buy them if your scared of scamming. Personally I buy UVs at the 2 or 3 star level and craft upwards.
yeah I agree with the above. You should discuss things all the way out ahead of time, that includes if they have the CE or not. And you're not going to find too many scammers among the 5* crowd since its just not worth losing everything. And you always have the final say anyway, if you don't like the deal, don't hand it over. You only wasted all of 5 minutes making an offer to buy something.
Honestly, I deal with this on a MUUUUUUUUCH smaller scale fairly often. I run around almost cashless and when I get to Basil, sometimes a friend or random party member will message me and ask me to buy them something. So they either choose to hand over the money or go without. I've got a good 80% success rate on those who chose to get the recipe they wanted vs not trusting me. But it was up to them to make that choice.
Perhaps the only thing different that I'd do is record the transaction for the unbinding(whether buyer or seller) to make sure no one could say I lied =T
P.S. Anyone wanna buy an Argent Peacemaker or Divine Avenger? I don't have the CE to unbind lololol
Paying 4k CE just for you to unbind a Argent Peacemaker plus the outrageous sum people put on tops of the unbind fee plus adding in UVs makes me wonder why anyone in their right mind would by something that is 4 or 5 star that needs unbinded. It would be like paying $1000 dollars for a desk that would cost yourself $50 to make and a day to make it.
I was joking (no I wasn't) but for a plain item there's no need to charge an extra fee. Only stuff with UVs or perhaps Vanaduke related is worth over the unbind cost. I mean geez, AP was just 400 CE + 800 (+25000+10000 translated into whatever price it was when I obtained it). Either way that's weeeeeeeeeeeeeell below 4000 to make it myself that I used for a long time so I wouldn't force an extra fee onto it..
But this isn't about me lol
Yeah I understand your point, but suppose you or your parents have an income of tenth of thousands bucks per month (100 bucks per game is not a big deal then), and you don't want to spend time to get those 5* items, just want quickly to show off to your friends. I sold my Vog Coat for 7.5k CE( it had some low UV ). The buyer only said that he wanted it fast, he didn't even bargained even though I told him that it is more expensive than average prices.
Money can solve lots of things XD.
Personally I think they never should have introduced unbinding, I was very happy when they did bind all 4 and 5 star. Early in this game it was just a pain to see brand new players running around in end game gear.
eh, not to me. Someone else spending $50 on this game to instant buy what it took me weeks to afford doesn't bother me much. Why? Because they're supporting the game and well...I'm playing for free lol. One thing money can't buy is experience, and I have seen players who couldn't play but they had the best items. Over time they learn how to use their items, much like I did working my way up slowly. Everyone's the same in the end if they stick with it.
Ha you can find some people in full 5 star gear in FSC who absolutely suck. After a while of them dying and going Ha Ha oops I didn't mean to do that, I stop reviving them because it is sucking up my health.
Actually, it quite amuses me to see new players with five-star items not knowing where the switches in early levels are. Quite recently I popped into a Tier 1 party with a couple of such players, and one actually bailed out when we reached Snarbolax before I could explain what we had to do. When the remaining two of us killed the monster, he was bewildered. He was here a few times, but this was the first time he defeated Snarbolax. Snorbalax. He may have had some of the strongest equipment in the game, but if you can't defeat Snarbolax then you probably won't survive Tier 3 at all. Thankfully in this game, skill matters.
And, like Negima said, players who purchase things with real money are the ones supporting the servers. That's perfectly fine with me lol.
technically, it isn't scamming. but it is annoying. like heck.
I only need 4k of your hard earned CE, man. Don't be such a narc.