Like...anyone? At all?
Does it actually splash? Is it still fast enough to nail dodging enemies?
Are there any videos anyone has of it in action? Or even a better picture?
How does it compare to the Valiance?
I want a normal gun to pair with my swords and the Valiance seems just so... generic. Although I've heard the knock back is really helpful.
I've been full gunner before, and I've used the Callahan, so I enjoy that play style. Yeah. enough about me. Any opinions?
Iron Slug. What's the deal.
In order from title:
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Probably. Don't know. Obviously valiance is faster and has knockback, but iron slug has attack interrupt, some splash, and knockdown on soft enemies just like the callahan. I like it, and especially with the new trinkets that are out there--with a good UV or trinket or both, you can exceed valiance's DPS and get the added benefits of the magnus line, though of course your movement is still slowed while running and gunning, just like the callahan. That's the deal.