I have one up for sale if you are interested
Starting Bid 1 Million Crowns
IGN: Tauristar
I have one up for sale if you are interested
Starting Bid 1 Million Crowns
IGN: Tauristar
Wo wo wo why don't you just go doubling the starting bid there, way to high for me.
lol im confused are you saying 1 crown? bahaha
*changes bid*
Can't ou see it says 2000.000?
I just wanna see a pic of it! thats pretty sweet that it actually dropped.
someone paid my wife 5k Crowns to look at it yesterday, so that is the viewing fee! lol
doesnt anyone want this rare collectors item? its even less useful than the new costume pieces!!
now the bid is 10 billion crowns
i have not 10billion...i could trade 999,997 non UV brandishes + 3 low slime brandishes for it?
I officially order 100 ce for the zee core. No joke.
300 ce i think at the current average price that's 16500 CR. Plus the price of ce could grow later.
My ign is lemon-neko
Don't go wearing it out.
LEGIT BID: ok, this is serious. I will buy for 30,000 (30k) crowns. Please contact me in-game, IGN is arvont. Mail me please.
I'd like to see someone buy it for that price. Mine is still on my storage.
Anyway, if it does sell... Grats.