Enemy-King Jelly (Yum... Oversized mutant jelly...
Item- Uh…
Gear- Vog Cub Set/Proto
Weapon- VH fiend Super stun gun (XD)
What Are YOUR Favorite SK things?
Logging in and sitting in the garden for hours on end just talking with my twin brother. We basically use the game as our personal IM with greatest emote engine ever :)
My shield. It's that sweet.
Playing the AH.
Talking to my friends in guild chat.
The Mission Complete track is the best. I make my whole floor shake to it (no exaggeration). The Treasure Vault music is almost as good.
And the planning is actually the most fun. The grinding is not as fun.
Weapons? I think the Vortices are the coolest.
"Despite what it sounds like, Vertices is not a Greek god."
Enemy: Devilites (I like the proletariat theme)
Gear: Virulisk Set (it's GREEN!)
Weapon: Polaris
I like the much-maligned energy system too. See, I can review my economics while playing!
Oh, and gremlins.
Enemy: The kats. Oh god they're so cute. At least when they're idle.
Gear: Mercurial looks nice. Plus it make you run faster.
Weapon: The gravitation vortex. It's pretty and it reminds me of Ratchet & Clank and Jubileus.
monster: snarbolax!
Item: elite slash modules! ( the reason of skolver in a monthly price of 150energy! )
Armor: not sure.. Fallen and Valkyrie are really cool (I want to steel clotho's beta costume idea!!!)
Yet I own vog.. Have chaos cloak for costume though.
Weapon: I like the look of gran Faust.