Will it take effect in the already existing gates, or will we have to wait for new gates? Ergo will any existing Clockwork Tunnels have the new danger rooms and is Candle Keep going to pop in any of the already existing Undead stratums?
So regarding the new update...
i didn't see it (candlekeep) on any exisiting gates. they're rebooting again, so i hope they are inserting it in one.
New Danger Rooms will appear in any gate as the old ones have been replaced. The Candlestick Keep will only appear in newly formed gates from here on out, so start making those undead stratums!
Regarding the new Danger Rooms: My body is ready.
The game is not currently open to public...
Lockdown finally came and locked the whole game down...
Im pretty upset about this. I just activated all of my krogmo coin boosters...
I'm disappointed about the crown/heat thing. Now I can't have fun amusing random people by throwing vials across the gap to pop the 5 treasure boxes on D16 Royal Jelly Palace :'( If I do that room last there's no point and there's no way to clear all the other rooms in 90 seconds =T
what the heck are you talking about
So the old danger rooms are gone forever? :(
Not gone forever, but for now. All things in the Clockworks cycle in and out over time.
As far as heat/crowns poofing after 90sec, i can see how that can reduce some exploits, but it will also cause problems for regular players. For example, clearing stuff on spikes and in the middle of the third part of an arena can be hard to do within 90secs, and I can think of a few spots in the FSC where I see hearts poof before I finish killing the monsters. I guess maybe this will encourage team play, since killing quicker means more crowns.
But what about the candlestick keep? How the heck are we going to get it in the gates? I wish there was at least one gate with candlestick keep so we'd know what to look for...
I'm not sure how I feel about the heat/crowns evaporating after 90 seconds. I find that frequently in the third arena I'll get a bunch of retrodes or lumbers camping in the middle with a few silk wings while I circle around the outside. It's not that difficult to pick them off slowly, but it often takes a few minutes to do when solo. It'd be a shame if all the loot evaporated before I could get a chance to clear out a bit of space and grab it.
Of course, it's all a bit of a moot point if I can't actually log in and play...
Yeah the new crown/heat thing really sucks in my opinion. Sometimes you just don't have enough time to get to everything that fast. Make it at least 3 minutes or something more reasonable. Ninety seconds just seems like hardly enough time to have a chance at your loot.
At any rate, I welcome our new Grimalkin overlords.
i know this may sound kind of stupid but it says listen for the chime...? well i don't play with sound on because one i'm pretty much deaf in both ears. it's a very common problem for military people. is there anyway a lil ! point could show up when one of these doors is open? the only way I can listen to music is if it's blasting in a really good headset, so one lil tiny chime won't really do much. hopefully this could be fixed to make it available to all players.
make the pick up radius bigger please it works about the same as evaporating loot
Heat and coins disappearing is terrible.
Why would you do something like this aside from trying to screw people out of coins and heat?
Also damnit I just bought 300ce last night on the market and now the price dropped 1k cr because of all the people buying hats. *impotent rage!*
(I know, I know, crying about a drop in CE prices) ;)
i think valid concerns have been raised. A combo of the two above suggestions wouuld work great. Increased time and a bigger collect radius. And still remove the exploit that you were taking out. Or even, how about when heat and coins "evaporate' it is automatically collected. We'd still get the visual pleasure of seeing it on the ground, and sucked into our spiral-knighty bodies, but also not lose it while fighting the various monsters of the clockworks.
i take it the harder content and new pvp stuff we are still waiting on. Thanks for we have been given so far. Now...if only we could get a new sword on the sealed sword line XD
The 90 second rule is kinda harsh, even moreso for a solo player. I believe I understand WHY it was done (I've heard exploit rumors), but there are times where you are fighting many waves (eg. arenas, danger rooms, FSC, Jelly Palace, and other party button events) and safe play dictates not running in to grab whatever dropped the second it drops. I know it often takes longer than 2 minutes to clear the last wave of an arena room three, and with 12-15 mobs chasing you around, you don't exactly run into the middle of them for a coin that dropped from the guy you managed to gun down.
There should be some sort of reasonable time frame. Never despawning isn't practical, and begs for exploits, I agree. But 5 minutes even would be more realistic. I cannot think of a stage that can be cleared in less than five, except for the one Scarlet Fortress Level where you can skip the level and go straight down (but then there wouldn't be any crowns or heat anyway).
has anyone even been to candlestick keep? they say it's been implemented, i see no evidence
Honestly, a 3-5 minute timer would work perfectly fine for reducing exploits as far as I'm aware. The only exploit I know still requires you to do the whole level, and that usually takes 10 minutes.
what the heck is this exploit thingy regarding crowns and heat?
There's a couple places where you can throw a vial/shoot/etc the boxes behind gates or CE gates to see if the dropped stuff is worth activating the gate. JK16 is the biggest example, in that people can avoid doing a room if the drops aren't up to their expectations. Stone grove is another...but I can't think of any other place in which it's exploitive, just a logistical problem. THe Spiral Court thing with the spookats and the fire jars...danger rooms, Arenas, spots that are protected by spikes like in Emerald Axis...there's more, but that's what's off the top of my head.
I dunno, do left-behind items cause a lot of server lag? Is it possibly a better suggestion to make the places that you don't want exploited protected by full walls instead of half-walls? the 10% of exploitables do not really balance out the 90% of items that dissolved before it was possible to get to them.
I think we're gonna see a slow downturn in DR opening. sounds like OOO is wanting groups instead of solos.
largely i see this affecting FSC the most as players will stand behind the force fields and hit the zombies through them, also you can't go back track and get the items left after the spinning wheels of death kill off some zombies as well as activating rooms with trojans and zombies and then getting out and letting the trojans kill off all the zombies for ya, no more of that either. so ya i can see why the timer but still 90 seconds is a bit harsh should be more like 2 mins that extra 30 sec's would go a long way to those fighting in an arena.
@tengutengu: The exploit they were talking about isn't what you think it is. If my info is correct, people were clearing levels without collecting the crowns, then inviting alts down and doubling, tripling, quadrupling that money. (A crown collected in the clockworks is duplicated for each player who didn't collect the crown.)
It's barely an exploit, since you have to pay the same 10 energy for each of your alts. It's somewhat of a time-saver, but it didn't really work for the most profitable levels (arenas and graveyards).
This 90-second "solution" is anathema to the game and an example of very poor design.
the exploits they were looking to fix were bigger than that.
I agree with philidor, make evaporated loot go instantly to the party. Fixes the problem without creating the new problems people listed about danger rooms and such.
In my opinion the 90 seconds until the Heat and Crowns disappearing is just stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. Sure there may have been exploits but they weren't GAME BREAKING now were they?
All very good questions. Additionally with this 9.95$ USD purchase, if you purchase two 9.95$ USD energy packs, will you be guaranteed to receive a hat then the armor? Or is it possible that you will receive TWO armors?