The patches are really getting to me. I don't even know if it will affect my gameplay all that much, but I'm pretty sure we're gonna lose a bunch more players to ragequitting. People who were doing these exploits are probably all good players. That means more lame PuGs. As it stands, I only have 7 or my 100+ friends list log on with enough regularity to run with. Even my guild is on hiatus.
I'm getting to the point of offering my character's stuff for whoever wants to pay the debind and walk away.
We'll see if Candlestick Park, or whatever it is is worth it.
I feel bad, guys. This depresses me, and I'm tired of disliking a game that I find so much fun when it's working right. I just want to play the game and fight the monsters. That's all. DOdge-battles with Devilites and playing chicken with Lumbers. It's fun, but there's so many bad points to the whole process up to actually playing.
I'll take your stuff. Anyway, I'm Moreso mad Bout that 90 second Rule, think Bout like when your in a last room t3 arena with no time to grab anything and such.