Taking offers for Unique Mega Magnus Gun. 4 star stun gun with unique variant "Attack Speed Increased: Medium" making this a fast and stunning range weapon. Will accept offers in crowns or CE.
--SOLD to Fossa--
Taking offers for Unique Mega Magnus Gun. 4 star stun gun with unique variant "Attack Speed Increased: Medium" making this a fast and stunning range weapon. Will accept offers in crowns or CE.
--SOLD to Fossa--
Game name: Leviathan
40k or 2,000 CE
IGN Lerysh
50k CR (Split between 35k Cr + ~750 CE depending on market prices)
IGN Fossa
Hi hi Fossa,
I've been trying to contact you in-game, but we haven't been on-line at same time. I sent you a friend request to make it easier to find and trade. I will reserve the UV Mega Magnus till I see you in-game. I was going to keep the offers open till Friday, but you've been so kind to people during beta. So I am willing to hold the UV Mega Magnus for ya at your split Cr and CE offer.
If I don't see Fossa in the next day or so, I'll open offers again. Using the sale proceeds to craft and train more weapons. I don't know if maxing a weapon or armor to 10 helps UV. I seem to be getting more UVs on lv10s. Might just be weird luck. I wish I were luckier with the recipe vendors.
Should FossaFerox drop out my offer for 40k still stands.
Uh... I guess ill offer 20k to start it off