Today I had some waffles for breakfast and headed over to haven. The Polaris incident area still had a large area of haven destroyed but it was slowly being rebuilt. The coliseum was still unusable because all work efforts were on the homes first, the entertaiment can be fixed later. I helped out a bit but I soon decided that wanted to go buy some interesting stuff so I went to the bazaar that was luckily untouched by the explosions. That creepy knight was still there but I still ignored him. I went through all the shops looking for rare items when I saw Kozma talking to a strange knight. On closer look it turned out to be Jake. They appeared to be fighting and brinks, who was standing near by, was trying to ignore then. Jake soon left after Kozma punched him in the face and I headed over to but stuff from brinks. I brought a radiant crystal pin for extra elemental defense and some blaze pepper because I was running low on it. After I said goodbye to brinks, I headed over to Kozma to see what she was talking about with Jake. We chatted for a while about how Jake is getting out of hand and going crazy. We soon got off topic and discussed the mechanics of the clockworks for about a hour (who knew Kozma was a nerd) but we stopped when it was Kozma's break and I headed off into the clockworks because that's always what I do when I get bored and as I was roaming around a wooded area of the clockworks, I saw a amazing sight, a wyrmwood tree. They are super rare and no one ever really sees one this big. It was absolutely huge. I quickly shrunk it down, uprooted it and hurried home and replanted it in my house and made it go bak to normal size. (yes my house is very big). Soon a branch broke of and I crafted it into a wyrmwood bracelet. I put it on giving me shock defense. Inured the rest of the branch to make more bracelets which I sold to brinks so he would always have a supply. You can also use wyrmwood in cooking soups and teas and it can be burned to produce mistenergy. Well, I want to test out all the things you can do with this tree so I will write later.
Bloo the Bloogato

After messing around with the wyrmwood tree and after exploding a couple times to blast powder falling from the sky, I went to investigate the falling blaze powder. I floated to the top of the area and saw blast powder pouring from a small crack. I phased up just a little so only my eyes were up there, I saw Jake puoring blast powder into artillery shells. He was extremely clumsly and more blast powder fell in the frack then the shells. Next to him was a rocket puppy with a seat attached. After jack loaded up the shells into the gun puppy, he started to put some blast powder mixed with darkshards into Wolver skulls and attach them to howitzer bases. When he wasn't looking, I figured everything and planted some c4 below him. He still was oblivious to my presenc so I popped up in front of him and he fell backwards. In the process of him falling, the bomb he held in his hands detonated in his face but it launched him into his gun puppy. He crazily fired it intill he realized none of the shells exploded and they all just phased through me. He then pressed a button which made the howitzer heads fly off but those didn't even make it to me because I removed their fuel. The knight the charged me with a combuster, I hate elemental swords, especcisly the fire ones. I floated backwards and detonated my bomb as he walked over it. He fell over and I quickly froze him. I hauled his frozen body all the way back to haven and turned him in to the spiral warden. I got payed prize money, lots of prize money. I then heard over to the bazaar still ignoring the creepy knight and started to chat with Kozma. We talked about the diffusion of energy and how the gates and elevators used the energy. Then we talked about the crystals we find in the clockworks and how gates rotate depending on the minerals put in. It soon got dark so I said goodbye to Kozma and headed back home. When I got to the grim gallery, I realized that there was still blast powder everywhere. It was a pain to pick up and I also had to check areas twice to make sure no e was left. I was soon left with 5 huge containers of blast powder which I quickly sold after teleporting back to haven. I teleported back and went inside my house, had a cheese and bacon sandwich and now it is time for me to go to sleep.

i woke up feeling fine but then I realized how much money I had. It's from soup sails, turning it Jake multiple times, and just finding crowns on the ground. I stared at the number of crowns that was in my hidden safe and I stood there pondering what to do with all of it. Then I thought of haven and all the repairs so I portaled to haven to find Kozma. I found selling some recipes to sone knights who didnt have anything good yet and when she was done, I asked here were would I put all the crowns. She told me in the donation box near the town square, but as she was saying that, I large shadow zoomed by and took all the crowns. Me and Kozma stood there for a second completely dumbfounded when Kozma broke the silence by saying that we have to get those crowns back. I called up Tony asking him to join us and he agreed. We set of following a trail of robbed people and dropped crowns when we reached the Amber King Gate. There was a crown stuck in the elevator so the thrift clearly used it. I told Kozma to wait here and I went and got Tony at told Kozma to bring the elevator down. Tony still had his upgraded staff and Kozma had here tempered caliber. As the elevator slowly reached the floor, we saw the shadow disappear down the elevator across the deconstruction area. Luckily for Tony, there no gremlins, only a bunch of mecha knights. All the gremlins were having there lunch break. As we raced across the floor slowly wiping out the robots, we saw a tortodrone in the distance. It was still green but one of the robots saw it and threw it's head at the tortodrone causing it to go berserk and charge at us. We screamed and jumped to the side but it was quick to turn around and start firing at us. We hid behind some rubble as it rapidly fired bullets everywhere. I told Kozma to fire at it from behind me with Tony while I hold up my shield. I held it up, waited for my friends to get behind me, and slowly floating forward. I could feel all the shots hitting the shield and they hit with lots of force but my shield stood strong. As we got closer, it charged. I felt it smash into my shield but my shield still held strong. Tony quickly leaped onto it's back, opened up it's hatch on top, and burned it from the inside. He jumped out before it exploded. Sadly the explosion destroyed a important support and the whole place was starting to fall apart. We ran to the elevator and Kozma almost didn't make it. She tropes and fell down and a steel grinder landed on her. Her armor protected her from getting hurt but she was stuck. Tony had to slowly melt through it. While I keep the area frozen together so it didn't break. We finally broke kozam free and made a mad dash for the elevator. As it started going down deeper, we watched the deconstruction zone compketly explode into a massive ball of fire. Then the tortodrone's shell landed on the elevator almost crushing it. I stared at it for a second but then I got a amazing idea. The elevator stopped at a lichen nest. After we cleared the surrounding area, I crafted some armor for Kozma and Tony, and made Kozma a new shield by using her old one. We then set up sleeping areas and now we will go to sleep so I will write later.

Today, disaster struck. The elevator we took next lead us to a defective floor. The elevator was beyond a gun puppy danger room. What made it even more defective was that all the gun puppies that came turned out to be live puppies. Kozma asked one fir it's trinket and it gave one to her. Turns out you don't have to kill them to get the trinkets. I then shrunk them down and put them in a crate with food and I could hear them happily barking away. We took the elevator, when a mine attached to the rails detonated sending the elevator flying. Luckily, Kozma landed on her Sheild breaking her fall and I carried Tony down. Up ahead were some retrodes poking at the crashed elevator. Kozma sniped them from afar and we advanced through the floor destroying all of the annoying robots in the way. But then, a Retrode snuck up behind us and point blank blasted me with it's lazier, and here I am on the ground writing this about to passou……
Uugghh, I woke up with a nasty feeling in my head. I looked around and saw that Kozma hade set up a little camp.
I looked around and didn't see anyone. I think the floor I am in is a Wolver den, it's all grassy and nice. I then saw Kozma coming back in the distance with some driftwood in her hands. She dropped them when she saw me and ran forwards to me. She gave me a hug and said that she thought I would never wake up. I asked her how long I had been out cold and she said it's been three days. I stared at her dumbfounded, three whole days I've been asleep. She called Tony and he was happy to see that I was alive and getting better. I agreed with him, still slightly astonished that I had been out for three days. In the distance I saw something, but I couldn't tell what it was. I squinted really hard to see what it was and then I realized it was a knight with a gun. Before I could say anything, the knight shot Kozma and she fell over midsentence. Tony fired a huge fireball of pur rage at the knight because Kozma was his friend. The fireball hit the knight and the knight was burnt to nothing in seconds. I floated over to the armor that was still smoking on the ground. The name etched on it said Jake amazing. Happy that Jake would never bother anyone again, I remembered about Kozma. I floated back over to her to inspect the damage. Jake was clearly aiming for her head but missed, he had hit her directly in the back. Kozma was unconisous and her pulse was weak. I had to act fast, and I took out tons of herbs and started mixing them together and outing one mixture on Kozma's wound, the other I gently spooned into her mouth. We then gently carried her into her tent and put her on her bed. All we could do now was wait and keep Kozma safe. I asked Tony were are we and he said a treated vault, so luckily we were safe. Tony also said with a sad tone that the clockworks had shifted so that they still had the same path below us, but it was no longer connected to the gates in the haven arcade. This is pretty bad and it is my turn to watch Kozma so I have to stop writing now bye.

It has been three months now since Kozma was shot. She is still recovering but very slowly. I even but the crate of love puppies next to her with the lid open so they could heal her but so far it hasn't done much. She finally started to wake up at times but quickly falls back to sleep. She cant even get out of her bed yet. Even worse, this part of the clockworks seems to have seasons because it has begun to get colder, which will be very bad for Kozma. I found some torch stone which I fused with her armor to keep her warm but I fear it is not enough. Me and Tony went to go gather some wood to burn to keep warm and as we approached camp, I saw Kozma slowly coming towards us. I came over instantly and asked why she was out of bed. She said that we have to keep going. I told her that the theif was Jake, Jake was the one that shot her, and that Tony made sure Jake would never cause any trouble again. She was grateful for us but she said what should we do now. The air was still getting colder everyday and Kozma was in no shape to travel. It wouldn't matter anyways because the next floor was a huge graveyard. I cooked us some soup and we chatted around our fire. It looked like we would be stuck here for awhile. Tony and Kozma were at first worried about what we will do when I run out of food for us. I told them not to worry because I could conjur up food, but only food with my magic but nothing else. We sat in silence for awhile and then Kozma asked about what we were going to do intill the clockworks rotate to reach the haven arcade. I suggested that we start by crafting some better weapons because I have seen some retrodes in the distance. They don't know we are here yet put these one look like they have been upgraded. Kozma went back to her tent to sleep because she still doesn't have much energy ( not mist or crystal energy but the energy in your body). Tony went to get more wood and I want to scout out those retrodes again, they look suspicious. Bye.

Shorten this crap up I skimmed it but I'll read it again tomorrow

ignoring above poster's rude comment, but sadly I'm writing this from my iPod that is almost out of batteries so it will be short no matter what sigh.
It turns out those retrodes are upgraded. The gremlins most have released a new version while we have been stuck down here. Their twig arms are now completly attached brandish type weapons, their lazier is bigger and goes farther, they have a smarter ai, and their armor is stronger. What's even worse is that they can now talk. They still havent noticed us thank god because Kozma, even though she can walk around now, is in no shape to fight. I aren't Tony over to talk to them. It's been three hours since Tony left. All of a sudden he comes running back and there are a lot of explosions following him. Hiding Kozma in her tent, me and Tony charged into battle. There was about ten of them in soon they were all destroyed. I had quite a few cuts and Tony had more. On of them was bleeding a bit. It turns out gremlin blood is tourquise. I tended to are wounds then went to get Kozma. As we were heading over to her tent, it started to snow. We called Kozma out and started working on making a bonfire. It took awhile and Kozma eventually had to shot it a couple times with her gun while Tony blasted it with fire. It was soon blazing merrily away. We sat down and chatted for awhile thinking about all the things that have happened recently and how we were going to get out of this mess. Well, it's time to go to sleep so I have to stop writing now bye.

Kozma has been fiddling with the elevator for awhile. She willn't tell us what she's doing because she is concentrating so hard. We kept ourselfs busy with protecting her. There seemed to be more retrodes everyday. Kozma has recovered enough to fight but. She is still busy with the elevator. She finally told us she is trying to bypass a couple floors to reach a terminal or subtown. It is taking her awhile because she is detecting some interference on this floor. She thinks the retrodes have built some sort of energy scrabbling device or ESD for short. She needs us to find it and destroy it. I asked how will she be protected when we leave. She said that she can set up a force field using the elevator. She activated it and was soon surrounded by a blue glow. She said the ESD is somewhere north of are position. Me and Tony headed of as Tony melted the snow piles out of the way so we could actually walk. We soon came upon a building that looked like it had been pieced together using random bits of scrap metal. There were a ton of retrodes patrolling the area. Me and Tony hid in a small bus that was hollow on the inside. We watched the retrodes follow their set paths. I created a listening spell so o could hear them. Two of the guards were talking about how their creator is dead. The other one asked how it knew and it responded by saying it found the craetors armor on the ground and it was badly burnt and there was traces of organic life. I realized Jake created the improved retrodes. That's why Tony didn't get a one way update from his HQ. After watching the guards for awhile, I found a blind spot. The gaurs on the roof would look away right as one of the guards on the ground walked away. We snuck by and I told Tony to grab onto my hand. I turned insubstantial as did Tony since he was in contact with me. We phased inside to see a giant machine that was assembling retrodes. U quickly put my heavy deconstructer in it. Tony asked me wouldn't the explosion attract guards? I said that this was a diffremt bomb then my other one. As I said that, nano it's came out of the bomb and dismantled the machine quietly before going back into the bomb. O then saw a huge wall of monitors. One of them said frequency and energy disrupted: activated on it. I switched it so it said deactivated on the screen when Kozma told me over the Wally talky that she was under attack and her force field won't last much longer. We raced over to see a bunch of retrodes and a Trojan attacking a blue bubble. Tony firied a fireball at the Trojan while I hurled my exploding heavy decon and the advancing retrodes. They were blown to bits and some of the pieces hit the Trojans crystal before it turned around to get hit in the face by a fireball. Its head caught on fire and it ran around snorting and bellowing. I quickly flee behind it and point blank blasted it with a icicle blast. The Trojan fell over onto the ground. It's head on fire while all of it's body bellow the waist was frozen. A very uncomfortable position. It soon turned to stone and I destroyed the statue. Kozma's force field deactivated and she walked over to us and said she got the elevator to work. We walked on to it and activated it. We passed the huge graveyard, the defective arena with only one elevator, and deconstruction zone filled with poisonous robots. We landed in Moorcraft manor. The spooked there showed us the way back to haven. We soon arrived in the arcade and Kozma's friends fang, feron, and dusk were waiting for her. Kozma said bye and headed of with her friends. Tony took a elevator back to his barracks and I headed home. It has been half a year since I had last been to my home. Me , Kozma, and tony spent about six months trapped in the clockworks. Will, I'm torrid and want to sleep on my own bed really really badly so goodnight.

i woke up this morning and I felt like crap. I had a nice bowl of soup and felt a little better but I still felt horrible. I had a pounding headache and I kept coughing. Great, I'm sick. I looked in my mirror to make sure I wasn't turning into a hurkat. That would be extremely uncomfortable and very akward. I layer in my bed and thought about would I was going to do with my sickness. Sadly, the spiral knight H.Q. Doesn't provide any medicine for sick friendly monster. Which I think is a stupid idea. What if punch or vase got sick, then how would knights unbundle and get U.V.s while they were sick. What if Sullivan got sick, how would knights get mod calibrators anymore. So I'm stuck on my room, bored out of my mind, sick. I slpelt went down to my kitchen and how a bacon and cheese sandwich. It made me feel much better but I was still sick. Well, I'm exhausted due to being sick so I'm going to stop writing and take a nap.
I might be running out of ideas so if u have any post them here please.
Thank you in advance.

today, I woke up and looked out the window to see that everything was a diffremt color. The sky/clockworks above me were totally the wrong color. The entire area of the grim gallery was fading in and out and all the colors were wrong. I was also moving at incredibly slow speed. I went up to haven by using a portal, wich seemed unaffected by this phenomenon. When I got to haven, the same thing was happening there, except the knights were moving in jerky movements. I found Kozma with her body up to her waist was in the ground. She said she keeps phazing through the ground up to her waist. She said this phenomenon was called lag. It stands for: light accuracy griefed. The energy in the area is disrupted by something so all of cradle is being affected, even the core terminal. The readings there are off the charts. The knights stationed there are literally frozen. They are technically still moving but just and a really low speed. Kozma said that it should be fixed in a couple days but intill them, we have to listen to new knights rage about the lag. Will, it's getting really hard to write due to the lag so I going to stop. Bye!

sorty bout not posting In a while I had to do something, yes something, and I don't feel like explaining.
Today the lag finally stopped. I had been stuck in haven for three days and discovered something new, the spiral knights don't to to eat or drink, but I'm a ghost and I have to eat? Anyways, I was stuck in haven for three days so me and Kozma talked about how lag was caused. It starts when one of the gremlin maintenance servers in the core break. This causes the core to start to produce abnormal amounts of energy that thickens the air and makes time start to slow down. Then gremlins have to put on special suits that allows the to actually move and then they repair the core maintenance server. I don't even know how Kozma knows this. She said Tony told her when I was out cold from the Retrode blast. I still have a small scar on my back. So anyways, after the lag stopped, Kozma had to go save some knights that got them self stuck and had run out of energy. Lucky for them, more like unluckily, the elevator had become jammed so they can't even get back to haven. Kozma asked me to come so I went. I secretly rigged the elevator to go straight to their floor. When we got there, we saw some knights in the distance fighting a giant lichen colony. I froze from a far while Kozma charged in in cut it in half with with her sword. Then one of the knights saw me and before Kozma could stop them, they started to attacked me. I bloke there shots with my shield but discovered a major flaw in it, its so big, I can't see around it so a knight got to close and jabbed his sword right through me. I looked down at the sword and said crap and looked around as my vision started to blur. I saw Kozma running over yelling something before I died. Great.

hey dusk, is it okay if I use dusk in a couple of my chapters? I shall try to post a new part tomorrow but I'm not sure. I have even more stuff to do(me hates school. School: Y U NO DO HOMEWORK? Me: Crap…*cue trouble*). And my computer is being annoying so I will have to post from iPod. (Computer: Y U NO CLICK ON POPUP? Me: SHUT THE F*** UP U WORTHLESS PEICE OF… *cue parents banning computer due to rage*). Keep in mind this hasn't happened yet but the way the computer has been acting and the way homework Is piling up, it probably will. So I will try my best so keep your fingers, paws, and pseudopods crossed for me, thanks! :3

2) ARGH!!!!!!!!! You're making it seem CUTE!!!!!! What if the next time I see a Bloogatoo I'm like SO CUTE!!!!!! and then he kills me?

so yeah, my computer decided to breakdown this morning so I'm writing from my iPod so please excuse all of the weird spelling.
(Autocorrect: NO, IT'S SPELLED THIS WAY YAY LOSER. Me: o.0)
Today I woke up in… kozma's backpack? I looked around and I saw that Kozma was wearing it. Then everything that had happened early hit me like a bullet as I looked down at myself. There was a huge scar were I was cut. I groaned a little and Kozma looked over her shoulder at me and said " goodmorning sleepyhead!". With a huge smile. I asked her why she was so happy and she said that she's happy because I'm alive and not permentaly dead. I looked around and realized we were in the clockworks. She realized I was confused and said that she has been taking care of me this entire time( 2 weeks, very long time to be uncousous). She put ne in her backpack to keep me safe. I looked around and I saw a camp up ahead. Kozma said she and dusk were doing a run when the elevator broke. They been down here for a day and it was taking a while for the spiral I.T.s to get here. I asked how the elevator broke and she said that I misfired bullet had hit it. As we neared the camp, I saw dusk lying on the ground asleep. I asked Kozma If she had a bed for me and she pulled a small Kat bed out of her backpack and put it next to the fire. She went off to her tent to sleep and I asked why dusk didn't have a tent and she said he didn't want one. I soon fell asleep feeling as if dusk had everything under control and that he would protect us.
And boy is Bloo right.*cue evil laughter* Bloo, Kozma, and dusk: >:L . Consider fourth wall broken.

today when I woke up, I saw horrible things. I was hanging upside down from a soul steel chain. Great, soulsteel is indesrtuctable to ghosts yet to everything else it's as easy to bend as rubber. It also gives souls a sick feeling. Hanging upside down wasnt helping either. I glanced to my right and saw dusk wounded and unconscious in a shadow steel cage. To my left, Kozma was also wounded and unconscious. I was suddenly very angry at myself for not waking up and helping. Then I smelled something one. A faint trace of a smell. KATNIP!? So I was drugged, go figures. I tried to telepathically communicate with both Kozma and dusk but Kozma was out of range and disks head was so full of emotions, I was literally kicked out. I then tried to figure out where we were. I saw a sign in the distance and it said Ironclaw Munitions factory: Fire Wing. O hate fire based things. I saw what looked like conveyer belts that had molten metal pieces on them and I realized that they were remaking the roarmulus twins with volcanic iron. I then realized were exactly we were in the factory, the testing area, crap. I tried to speaking with Kozma again and I tried really hard and this time I got a weak reply of hey. Kozma tried to shift but pain stopped her. I winced too because we were still telephaticly connect. I told her to stay still and I tried speaking to dusk again. This time the emotions were more clear but still to strong to handle. His head was full of anger and sadness. I quietly started planning with Kozma on how we were going to escape. Kozma and dusk had their weapons confisticated and I was still stuck in soul steel. Soulsteel pretty much makes souls not be able to anything but move, talk, and telepathy. Well, I have to get back to planning so I will have to write later.

Here is our plan. Kozma well use her conveniently found magnet to pull a sharp thing towards her. She will then throw the sharp object at my chain setting me free. I will then free Kozma and dusk and heal them. Kozma used her magnet and I watched as she pulled a thwack hammer towards her. Dusk was keeping a eye out for guards. My observing of dusk was cut short, literally as the thwack hammer sailed straight into the chain and then stuck itself to the ceiling. Now free, I quickly and quietly destroyed Kozma and disks cage and we headed of. Kozma was in the middle with her tempered caliber and I lead. Dusk was in the back with his two, yes two, archeons. As I approached the exit I saw a very frighting sight, the gremlins were fighting wave after wave of what seemed to be corrupted monsters. The gremlins were badly outnumbered so we decided to help. Kozma handed dusk a spare tempered caliber because his archeons wouldn't do much. I quickly froze the edge of the area because the corruption seemed to be spreading and some gremlins would get caught in it and turned into one of the evil beasts of the corruption. We cut through wave after wave when I saw a gate in the distance. I fired a huge lazer through the corruption so we had a clear path and yelled run at the top of my lungs. We ran as fast as we could and many gremlins were sucked into the black void. It kinda reminds me of the graviton bombs. Anyways, we finally got through the gate and I quickly shut It and then froze it over so nothing could get through. Then, we heard a huge noise and in front of us, a corrupted knightmare Trojan fell from the sky, crushing a few gremlins and splitting the area in two. Luckily for us, the corruption could no longer get us. We still had to deal with this Trojan. I yelled and the gremlins to circle behind while I froze the Trojan in place. Kozma said in a worried voice that the crystal was covered in corruption and could not be damaged. I told dusk to cut of the head and so he did. The Trojan immediately broke free after it lost it's head. It ran around like a rabid Wolver before finally turning into a statue again. The gate across from us lowered and there was a working elevator. We all got on and as the elevator was heading to haven, I teleported the gremlins to emberlight were they would be safe.

And y did my acherons ( note spelling) not work?

all the corrupted monsters are shadow themed right, or do they have no theme.
Shadow versus shadow equals dead knight.

this diary will soon be ending but that doesn't mean everyone dies.
Except maybe dusk.

when we arrived in haven, we ran straight to feron to tell him about the void we found. He says it's called the swarm and was the main reason we fled from our old homeplanet. They covered it completely with corruption. It seems to have come with us on the skylark and was why skylark crashed. The swarm sensed a planet full of live forms and energy so it blew up the tearium core causing us to crash land here. It is no slowly taking over parts of the clockworks. Fern also said that alpha team had come back while we were gone and have set off to destroy every last bit of the swarm. We then walked away surprised at the news. Kozma and dusk had to go to catch up on all the stuff they missed so I slowly headed home. On the way there I saw the most beautiful bloogato I had ever seen. She was amazing. I flew over to her and said hi and she looked at me funny. I turned around just to see another bloogato try to ram me. I dodged and he went straight onto the female. She got so mad she almost turned into a pepperkat and then blasted him with a huge lazer. She then floated over to me and kissed me on the cheek. I then followed her around and we talked all day about… things.
P.S. Hey, Dusk. Do u want to be in a fanfic I will be writing after I finish this?

so I will be posting the last post right now.
5 months later,
"OMG they are so cute!" cried Kozma. She was looking and mine and siphias' new kittens. There were six of them at everytime they sneezed, they hade a small patch of frost. Dusk was next to Kozma watching as one of the kittens was trying to climb on him. "they are very cute" he agreed as the kitten succeeded on getting on top of disks head. All the other kittens saw him and soon dusk had six little kittens playing on his head. Kozma could barely keep herself from laughing her head off. Dophis then gathered up all the kittens and carried them off so they could have their nap. "how does it feel to be a father?". Dusk asked.
"Very hectic but amazing.". I replied. The kittens were a lot of work to take care of but I wasn't worried. There was a knock on my door and when I opened it, I saw Tony outside. "Sorry I'm late" he said as he walked over to sit with us. "I turned to dusk and said" well, there is one thing bad about being a father." "what?" dusk asked. He was visibly confused. " I willn't be able to go on amazing adventures into the clockworks that usually end in serious wounds, being stranded, or captured.". We all sat there for a moment when Kozma couldn't contain herself any longer and burst put laughing so hard she almost cried. Soon we were all laughing merrily away when Sophia flew in and shushed us. " what are you going to name them?" Tony asked. "there names shall be; Kozma, Dusk, John, Tony, Amber, and sparkle. We sat for the rest of the day chatting and having a good time.

Yeah I wanna be in it
P.S. I have a bolt brand , giga watt, and volt driver

could u just put one of those character sheets here please
That sort of thing
P.S. Do u like wolvers?

armor: Cobalt armor, magic hood. will get a cobalt helm very soon. or already maybe haz one. cant remember. say that i do have one. bristling buckler
weapons: khorovod, jalovec, shockburst brandish
personality: very philosiphical, speaks in riddles. tends to see the bigger picture when no one else does. however, he is a powerful warrior.
likes: fiends (y no one else like them? =( ), smashing constructs with his heavy sword charges, heavy swords, smashing gremlins with his heavy sword, crowns, smashing chromalisk with his heavy sword, ce, writing stories, smashing sombies with his heavy swords, shocking enemy lockdown players with shockburst brandish charge, SK, smashing giant lichens with his heavy sword charge, graveyards, arenas.
dislikes: jellies (too easy), running out of cr/ce/me, guns, retrodes, kats, beggers, shock, fire, the PK only lasting until Nov. 1.
P.S. He eats Wolvers for breakfast. no, really he does. and for lunch, dinner, midnight snack, afternoon snack, mimorning snack, bedtime snack, pre.breackfast breackfast, that sort of thing.
other: he rides a giant Ruby Greaver.

name: Amber
Gender: female
Color: see profile pic
Armor: Ashtail coat and cap the coat has a toasty bomb bandolier, royal jelly shield.
Weapons: ascended calibur, grand flourish, heavy decon.
likes: wolvers
Dislikes: constructs, poison, and knights that are newbs and try to impress her.
Personality: happy go lucky spirit, creative, easy going, very friendly.
Has a pet chromalisk in her backpack that nobody but dusk knows of. :3

here are current characters
Lord o necromancers
Only excepting one more and lord o necromancers don't tell anyone bout this. It's for people who have read this thread only.
P.S. I will create a new thread for this once I get one more person.
If I get a lot of people, I will randomly chose one.

Name : dusk
Gender: male
Color : crimson
Armor: divine veil ( with a pipe :D) grey feather mantle
Weapons : acheron , bolt brand , giga watt, volt driver, static capacitator
Likes: wolvers :) , friends, killing stuff that attack him
Dislikes: beggars , noob friend request asking for stuff
Other: expert fighter , rich , awesome

You fool! If the Swarm blows up, THE WHOLE ECOSYSTEM WILL GO BOOM!
Feron screwed us all!!! The Swarm can not die!! The swarm seeds don't, Swarm infected enermies respawn in Swarm Portals and Swarm Turrents Are invincible! They are in the Core!! They are trapped there now(well the cousions to the Spiral Swarm) and opening the core to get out of there will cause a homocide!!! There is no point of living!!
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I know this story is finished but I had to ask after finishing reading today. What happened to Bloo's "Uber-Shield?" That mega shield with the bajillion of defenses? Did Bloo lose it in the Ironclaw Munitions Factory? That would be sad after all that work and energy put into building it. It was kind of like a trophy of sorts that not only provided wicked defense, but also may've represented all of Bloo's travels. What happened to it Doggies? Did one of the Kits inherit it? Did Bloo build a new one? Is it lying somewhere, abandoned in some corner of the Shadow Lair Iron Claw Munitions Factory waiting for some crazy lucky adventurer to find it? Nice job on the story too by the way. It was pretty nice. Does the family still live in the Scarlet Fortress? Or have they setup permanent residence in a little soup shop in the Haven?

Here. I just thought I'd make this. Is it alright? What do you think?
PS: if you haven't read this fanfic you won't get the picture.

It's John the rock jelly. He's wearing the helmet with lights. The right is Tony with the upgraded flamethrower. I just made more. What's on Tony's back is his emergency blaster you mentioned. It's so large compared to his body that his back seemed the best place for it. I decided to use the Volcanic Plate Shield for Bloo's mega shield as it seemed the best even though Bloo didn't have one (did he?). I thought it looked the best as it's a huge chunk of metal that looks very tough and powerful with glowy magic runes on it like the ones Bloo put on it.

It's, it's, it's, *Sniffle* perfect…
Every detail is correct…
*Cue tears of joy*
1,000 crowns for you sir or madam if we meet in game.

I'm thinking about creating the end scene of the Bloo the Bloogato story or maybe a scene from your "Doggies fanfiction" story once I become more familiar with Spiral Spy.

y u never put me in the diary? *cries*
im dusk's friend, the were-trojan >:)
after messing with aoura thing, I set it to having stars come off me and I floated all over enjoying my stars. I then decided to go to a lichen colony because the stars there look just like mine. After flying around there looking like a star in the sky, I saw something in the distance. It seemed to be some sort of machine and it was sucking up lichens, jelly cubes, and poloypes into it self and in the back, a bunch of mats were falling out and then I saw Jake standing behind it picking everything up. Wanting to destroy his machine I threw a ultra blast cube into it and it spurted explosive jelly globs all over Jake. He stood there for a second intill he realized what was stuck to him. At that point, he started to run around screaming intill the jelly finally exploded and sent him flying. After laughing so hard I almost stopped flying, I headed home because I was hungry. When I got there, I saw that some knights had been throughout the area fixing everything. I was happy at that sight so I left them a package full of bacon and cheese sandwiches. Then I went into my house, had a bacon and cheese sandwich for myself, and took a nap. When I woke up, there was a gremlin outside calling my name. I realized it was Tony so I went outside and hangout with him for the rest of the day. It so became the gremlin curfew and he quickly went back to the barracks and I headed vack to my house to go to sleep. I'm going to go do that right now so goodnight.