Okay, so I understand the whole thing of damaging monsters, what about monsters attacking knights? How would a knight take both elemental and normal damage from a Blight Knight (example)? What kind of equipment would a knight need to be resistant against elemental damage? How about the other way around? What kind of equipment would you need to be inflicted in elemental and normal damage both? The wiki on Spiral Knights didn't explain that, unless I didn't read something. Can someone please clarify this?
Damage Questions
Wed, 09/07/2011 - 16:06
Legacy Username
Wed, 09/07/2011 - 19:06
Legacy Username
Now I get it!
At first, I was confused, because in the beginning of the game, I never got extra damage from elemental attacks. Then, reading your post (a specific part, actually), I remembered that certain attacks can have both normal and elemental/piercing/shadow damage or just normal/elemental/piercing/shadow damage. Thanks!
Wed, 09/07/2011 - 19:08
...should answer your questions regarding when monsters deal split damage and which monsters deal which damage types.
Thu, 09/08/2011 - 08:43
The type of damage dealt also
The type of damage dealt also depends on the tier. The lower tiers, monsters tend to do more of the alternate type than the normal type of damage.
Check the wiki again: each piece of armor lists what kind of dmg it resists, and the relative level of dmg resistance. You can also check the overall build of your character's armor under the character menu in-game (the horse in the upper right). If an attack does, say, split normal/elemental dmg, and your armor doesn't protect against elemental dmg, the total attack will do more dmg to you because your armor only protects against part of the dmg being dealt. Make sense? So let's say you're wearing a wolver set (provides protection against normal and piercing), and you're getting pelted by a gun puppy, which, depending on the tier, is either doing split normal/elemental or straight up elemental dmg, you're going to be losing more life than you would be if you were wearing something that provided protection from elemental dmg, because part (or all) of the dmg being heaped on you is going straight through your armor to your health.