I love the game spiral knights but I personally Think that there arn't enough bosses. All i'm saying is that It would be nice if there where some more challenges here and there. like some new but hard enemy's.
Rubixman To the MAX! :3
I love the game spiral knights but I personally Think that there arn't enough bosses. All i'm saying is that It would be nice if there where some more challenges here and there. like some new but hard enemy's.
Rubixman To the MAX! :3
I know that they can just make them like that Im just saying That it would be nice if they had some harder enemy's to spice it up.
All im saying that one of the things that would be nice to have in one of the next couple update is some more challenges like puzzles.
Puzzles? I thought you were asking for new bosses. Your last post makes my head hurt.
I t would be nice to see some new bosses, or at least one but since we got the Roarmulus Twins not too long ago I can't complain. Also the new levels, Candlestick Keep, are pretty cool. Have you tried them? My only complaint though is they are too straight forward like the other levels. I'm with you I want levels,or bosses, to more puzzle oriented. I want a level that is super short unless you're clever enough to A) realize there is a puzzle to solve and B) solve it. Then it gets huge! and has some good loot on top of it. When I first started playing this game it made me think of four sword adventures until I realized there were no puzzles. LETS GET SOME PUZZLES!
All of the current bosses except JK contain puzzle segments - snarb requires stunning him with the bell to deal damage, rt need you to force them to hit each other, vanaduke needs you to hit his mask with water to damage it. It could be said that JK requires the intelligent use of poison as his puzzle, it's just a shame that there's no easily repeatable method to do so included as part of the fight. Well, not a requirement because you can win without it, but still a somewhat puzzle-like component.
So it's not entirely wrong to say you want new bosses because they'd add new puzzles. Also remember that two of our current boss areas have puzzles in them, not just at the boss fight, even if not particularly difficult ones... well, maybe I wouldn't consider any of the puzzles in FSC hard enough to really be, uh, puzzles.
As it stands, this month Nick mentioned a new area which should be hard enough to warrant 5* gear, which probably means a new tier 3 boss or possibly the core (which may include bosses). No confirmation on WHEN that's coming out, but we know OOO's working on it.
Certainly another T1 boss would be great - as would another T3 boss, (T2 already has two bosses). Keeping the "style" of the bosses and boss levels different would be nice, so you get a challenge, but a different type of challenge on each.
The other idea would be to do more "boss-like" levels - where perhaps an optional part of a level has a demi-boss to defeat as part of the level?
To be honest I would rather like more level equalization. Sure a boss would be cool. But I'd like to feel like I can make roughly the same amount of profit off any gate.
This could be done through...
... adding more loot to Danger Rooms and increasing their frequency.
... adding more sub-bosses or otherwise pieces to a depth that aren't required to go through but offer more challenge and more reward.
... adding more unique levels like Arenas, Candlestick Keep, Scarlet Fortress; which provide a greater reward.
... getting rid of or increasing loot in Treasure Vaults.
Though I suspect most of these suggestions would be implemented if the developers wanted to, I wouldn't refute that they've already planned things like this, so it's just a matter of time.
Mostly I'd just like to feel like doing any other non-Boss gate in Tier 3 without arenas in it, would still be profitable.
would be cool.
also, perhaps a rew "lost viking" inspired levels in it. Where its a puzzle that requires the players to break up and use teamwork/communication. And yes, it would require you to have a team of 4. but really, guilds would love it and pick up groups could be formed.
the more content the merrier, ya know.
and to make it not a roadblock if a gropu couldn't figure it out, there could be an easily accessible elevator. so like suggested above, short levvel if you can't or don't care to do the puzzles; rich rewarding content if you do work your way through it.
--also, perhaps its a boss tier, and the boss is tougher if you fail to complete the puzzles. just ideas.
This thread should probably be moved to Suggestions. That said, bosses and things like that are excellent, but they take a lot of time to develop.
dude they cant just roll bosses out with a snap of a finger it takes time