Shock status effect on player's knight is completely broken because its a server-side thing. Should be client-side.
Explanation: when you're shocked, you can't move/attack/shield. But when you are shocked and experience lags, you are shocked, then shocked, then shocked, then shocked, it simply locks you up for 8+ seconds in place unable to move/attack.
Why? It re-shocks you at an interval at server's side, but client may receive these shock attacks with random lags, putting one on top of another, often resulting in intervals between shocks being so small you can't protect against it. No time to move out of danger's way.
2 ways to fix random shock attacks on knights:
a) make shock a client-side thing
b) send shock start to client and let client handle all shock effects afterwards, at a fixed interval
Thats first, second: thank you very much for removing any kind of warning when my trinket upgrade is about to expire. Its so much fun when these expire with no warning in a dungeon!
You have no idea how a client/server relationship works, do you? B is already how the effect works (with the exception of damage of the spasm), and the severity scales unless you have protection. Even with no shock resist, the spasm only lasts a second, with about 4 seconds between spasms.