We're a small guild looking to boost our member base for the fun and profit of all. If you enjoy spreading the love and and helping others, our guild is for you.
Recruitment itself is a fairly relaxed procedure and most everyone is given a chance to enlist and participate. Full membership is only granted upon successful completion of a trial period as a recruit. For more information on recruiting and the guild as a whole, please see our Wiki entry:
If you'd like to apply, or ask some questions, just send an in-game mail to Pezzhippo, and he'll reply as soon as possible.
Alternatively, feel free to post applications in this post also, it will be checked near-daily.
Your application should contain the following information:
-Your in-game name
-Your Timezone (GMT+/-)
-Rough estimate on account age (not your real age ;P)
-How active you are
-What style of combat you prefer in SK
-How experienced you are in said area^ (In your opinion)
-Why our Guild may interest you
-What sort of traits could you bring to the guild?
Of special note, we would like to express our desire to induct a number of experienced Bombardiers, as there is currently an Officer vacancy for such an individual. Applicants aiming for this position ought to contact myself, Pezzhippo so we can chat about how you would be suitable for the job.
El Psy Congroo
Greetings, my in-game name is Soral. My timezone is UTC-5 (North American Eastern Standard Time). My account age is slightly over 5 months and I'm very active during afternoons and late evenings.
My style of combat varies a bit based on whatever monster I'm fighting, but I try to make it a point to kill things quickly and efficiently. I use multiple weapons and have a reasonable amount of proficiency with each one. Generally, I consider myself to be a solid support unit.
Your guild interests me for a variety of reasons; primarily because I'm looking for a new group to play Spiral Knights with. However, upon reading your wiki page, I'm impressed by the thought that has gone into the guild and its general structure, and I see an opportunity for growth and some fun experiences to be had.
Finally, the traits I feel I can bring to your guild are, above all, the guarantee of solid and lucrative Clockworks runs, some (hopefully) interesting quirks here and there, and perhaps even some assistance in regards to general guild management.
Thank you for reading, and I hope to here from you soon :)