Hmmm, anyone thought that perhaps, just maybe, the Magikat Hat will have a chance to drop from a Treasure Box at Candlestick Keep? I really don't want the hat, but just wondering what others think, I doubt it is a drop myself anyways.
Candlestick Keep secret perhaps?
Thu, 09/08/2011 - 15:22
Thu, 09/08/2011 - 16:45
i have bean there
i have bean there
i have check and re check every inch of the keep and there is no Secret Door or Doors No Secret Treasure Box and No Big ghost Drops Nothing they just disappear one you light the candles and if you don't light them they will try to eat you and they cant be kill. its sucks if you ask me.... and the level is sow small you will finish it like in minutes or seconds... wanting to play more. Thank you Tree Rings for making our long wait for a new level a Living hell.
I heard that if you hit a concealed button you can open a hidden door. Any idea where that is or how it works?