Number one: Since you CAN work in as little as 600 vertical, why is the default a window as tall as your physical screen? (Doesn't even work on Microsoft Windows, let alone Apple Mac.).
Number two: I can see grass and trees. I survived a planetary fall. Why can't I jump down and explore?
Number three: Hold down the RMB to build a charge? That doesn't work for the keyboard -- I fire twice, or swing twice and move. Hey, it doesn't work for the mouse either -- what's up?
Number 4: Why am I always changing based on the mouse? That flies around -- and suddenly, I'm not even facing where I want to face.
Egads. IF I have to be keyboard to control myself -- and the first 2 minutes says yes -- then I want 100% keyboard -- including full "build up a charge". And if the starter weapons cannot build up a charge, fix the help text.
Why can I see a heart on the ground, and be unable to pick it up? (This is in the area with the destructible plants)