1 thing i dont like about the candle stick keep is tht the candles u gotta light dont stay lit ~_~ and another about JK he should b able to give out 4 tokens not really rare but 5 tokens rare cuz i need only 2 more for an antigua and i need it :P (and there should b 3 t2(or t3 to make 2 in t3) bosses and i was thinking about a GK(gremlin king) as a t3 boss that would b epik :D
some qustions about the new set of levels candle stick NICK ANSER.

That's the entire point of the candles, to give time-limited protection, and Jelly King gives enough tokens. If you only need two tokens, join a friend when they get to Royal Jelly Palace I.
o shut up i atleast sed to put a new boss in :P
Someone please close that last parenthesis!
Granted that's the least of what makes the post unreadable but still.

This seams like an obvious trolling attempt, but I've never seen intended cluelessness done so well.

+1 to Malvos for the XKCD link.
Also, the first post is... very, very silly, to be polite.

I'm not Nick, but if I were, I'd reply to this thread with, "Here's the answer you wanted." And that would be the complete post.
LMAO! +1 to thread starter! This is such an obvious attempt at trolling, don't lie man, i know you tried, b's and all. And requesting a GM to increase the boss token drops just Cuz u need it is just classic. Thanks for the lawls. =P
I have to lol at this. How can you demand a dev response when you can't even phrase your question in a gramaticaly coherent manner.