Has anyone received the elusive 5 tokens recently?
So them boss tokens...

I have gotten 4 tokens from:
Snarbolax 1 time
Jelly king 4 times
twins 2 times
vanaduke 3 times
each time i got them I can not recall anyone dying and it was a speedy run plus I think everyone in the party joined at a depth before bassel at the very least.
I've been getting exactly three tokens every time I've done the RT lately (solo). It'd be interesting to see if you get 4 tokens if you open up the T1 stratum beforehand, as I've just been paying the gate fee to go down to Moorcroft each time.
On the last run this afternoon I think it only took me about 3 or 4 minutes at the boss level, so I don't think speed plays into it much. I was taking them down in one stun too (except for one where I had to back off because the shufflebots were shocking me, that one took two stuns), so it'd be harder to go any faster unless you got really, really lucky with the rockets and lane changes.
Of course, it's kind of convenient given the bark module weapons are all 15 tokens each. Divides evenly so I don't have any left over.

pfft, I don't think I ever got 5 before they changed the bosses lol. I've seen a four a few times though.
Nope, always the usual 3 or occasional 4.
Still as dense a rumor as the Stop n' Swop mystery over a decade ago. I haven't heard of confirmations of that so far.