I also intend to find anyone that used to be in Legendary. I miss destroying and trolling with you guys.
Any-who I intend to play on and spread the legendary.
IGN: Krazik
Start of Play: 2nd month of the official SK release. Brought in by friend who played since the Beta.
Partial Gear list: example setup stuff I own that best describes me.
Helmet: Divine Veil
Armor: Skolver Coat
Shield: Barbarous Thorn Shield
Weapons: BTB, Archeon, Shivermist, CIV
Trinkets: Royal Jelly Bracelet
I own various other 4* stuff that I'm currently collecting heat and recipe hunting for. (avenger, gigawatt pulsar, blizzbrand, etc.)
I'm currently in the process of creating a nameless poncho and a CoF.
Usual Type of Play: Careful, varietal, and tactical.
When in a play group, I do my best to support the team and keep them alive as a priority. If I wanted to be a gladiator, I'll play Krogmo's game and pick up a recipe. I keep all my weapon slots open because I always want to be able to do effective Dmg, or play around with a new weapon to evolve. When I'm eventually finished with my library, I'll start saving Crowns up to add triple Uvs to my "Main" gear.
Frequency of play: mostly daily to keep the mist count 0. More in the afternoons and night- pacific standard.
Rate of skills (imho of course): solo'd IMF easy, JK runs with teams, and FSC runs (levels ok, help needed with boss =p)... Snarbolax .. like OMG SOW HARD 8D.
Forum Dweller? Yes, more for news and read the trolling. I answered a few times on the net.
Uses in-game mail? If I need to REALLY reach someone that is offline only... although 100 crowns is nothing to me. so Ya.
Chatting? Often! Why do you think I'm making this Topic/Advertisement?
What will I offer? Assistance in any runs, guild message for Clock terminal Tier 3 recipes, crafting whatever I can if asked (negotiable of course), etc. ----Gotta be useful right? .....also I can join PVP guild team, but don't expect miracles for BN :/
The next weapons-based Krogmo's game should be interesting!
My end game is to eventually own at least one of variant of every 5* item line (Cof- Valk mail, nameless poncho -slicker hat, etc.).
And gain mass amounts of fame and have fun in the process.
Any References? .....Good guess.. I suppose I definitely need to leave the farm and taxi in the town to make some!
PM, in-game mail, or post here if you think we have the same interests!
Once Again: Krazik ...... is moving on. Hopefully to a better place.
I wanted to ask if you would be interested in joining the Legends guild? If so, send me a message in game (IGN: Kryptix). I'm Co-GM and think you'd be a good fit with us. I have a similar play style to you and it sounds like it would be fun to team up in the Clockworks.