Bombs make teams invincible

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I played a game with a team where 2 of my team mates had voltaic tempest. So we wiped all of the other players and then those 2 team mates just spamed the bombs at the entrace of their spawn point, they couldn't even get out and the ones who risked it got anihilated.

What i'm trying to say is that you will probably get a lot of complaints about bombs being waayyy too overpowered. I do realise that if a guardian protects you you don't get hit, but guardian shields break too fast when it comes to shielding bombs.

Legacy Username
guardian shields break too

"guardian shields break too fast when it comes to shielding bombs"

This could possibly be the solution to this problem - let guardian shields absorb slightly more dmg vs bombs, enough to allow your team to make an assault on the bombers camping.

Splinter's picture
I've been using guardian

I've been using guardian shield a lot, I really like it. It holds up fairly well against bombs, I haven't had too much trouble, it's allowed me to survive a lot longer than I would without it. A key to fending off bombs is to pick your time. You can see the radius of them, its good to stay out of it as much as possible, and try and attack the bomber while he's charging. It's not impossible. Play to his weaknesses. Use a gun even.

Melisan's picture
maybe the shield could

maybe the shield could encroach on the aoe of bombs. or maybe there could be an exclusion zone infront of the teams gate where bombs have no effect.

perhaps spikes

perhaps spikes that only damage the other team placed after the entrance removing their ability to use charged attacks at such close range to the entrance

Melisan's picture
That sounds like a plan +1

That sounds like a plan +1

either that or

another alternative could be random spawn sites on each teams respective side of the map

Legacy Username

So there is no way to tell if the bombs are friendly or not wich is bad if u didnt see who places them

Richy's picture
I think we should try to

I think we should try to limit down the amount of threads we create in here and keep them in a few threads, easier for the OOO staff to read, but I do agree double voltaic basically annihilates anyone wants to get past.

I had an idea for this. So

I had an idea for this.

So when someone uses a bomb it produces that mist, and as soon as you hit that mist you start taking "attacks" from it i would say once every 0.5 seconds (if you're shielding with guardian class). What i would propose is: Once you enter the mist without shielding you are immediatly shocked but if you enter with the shield you only take one hit every 1 second or something like that. It would make exiting the bomb mist faster and not make it a sure death everytime.