I've been playing this game for a long time now. I've spent probably 100 dollars here, just not lately. And now that there's a test server I find out that I'm not allowed to help out because I haven't spent 10 bucks on SK within the last 30 days? Way to reward loyal players. Maybe adding something like " Your account needs to be at least 30 days old" or something that makes SENSE to beta testing would be a better idea. What a slap in the face to the people who've been here and supported SK from the beginning.
Really? Testing For Paid players only?
I'm a bit mad too.I mean SK is getting greedy lately.I really want to see lockdown.
personally, I'd like it for the beta players still around to get access forever but that's because I'm cheap lol.
But there's nothing to be done about it, this user predicted it'd be like this before details were officially released based off of their other game.
They have no real reason to change it for us.
An easy solution to this is just to not think of this as testing, but rather, previewing. Because that's really exactly what it is.
Testing usually isn't ever even this open, only really allowing a select few people that are experienced with the whole thing of testing to do such, and often as a professional job aswell.
Whenever testing is open like this, it ends up being more about previewing features and bug fixing, without getting much into actual balancing and changing of features. I wouldn't even count bug fixing as testing, because bugs pop up all the time anyway, test server or not, and get reported in the same way. (...though considering all the silly bugs all new releases would have, a testing server is probably going to be great help)
Balancing and features end up being almost completely up to the devs themselves. Even in the old preview it was like this. There was more communication, but overall, Three Rings would always stick by their own decisions without really taking the players into mind.
Regardless, at this point you shouldn't be surprised by TRD's greed or general ignorance towards the players. It's not really that hard to notice that several of the things they have been doing don't have much more of a purpose than increasing (or maintaining) the game's income. Their whole ignorance helps a lot, too.
@Foxhound - And what would the way to go be? The support section only really contacts GMs, and most of them have nothing to do with decisions like this. It's more likely you'd just get a generic response and the whole thing would end there. Suggestions? Hahaha. And on either case, some people like discussing on forums, and lots love whining. (see: energy threads and anti-energy threads.)
Being a beta tester isn't all fun and games. You still have find bugs and comment on game balance issues. If you thought it was frustrating to find bugs in the official server, don't be surprised if encounter more in the test server.
I paid just a few days ago, and I can't log on at all, so wtf?
Lockdown is only during select times. Check the Testing Feedback forum announcements.
Maybe There is a compromise of spending $10 within 30 days. Or else Spending a certain even higher amount over a certain longer length of time. And maybe even once you hit a certain amount of spending you get discounted or even free testing?
Does that not seem reasonable?
I think the test server should be closed and should be invite only.
$10 to play on it isn't very much, I wish it was higher.
and LOL at all the idiots saying OOO is greedy by providing them with a free game, LOLOLOLOLOL
Please think before you open your mouth, and stop beeing greedy yourself and spend some money to support spiral knights. DERP.
>free game
>spend some money
i don't even...
and LOL at all the idiots saying OOO is greedy by providing them with a free game, LOLOLOLOLOL
Please think before you open your mouth, and stop beeing greedy yourself and spend some money to support spiral knights. DERP.
Says person who joined in the boycott and encouraged his whole guild to join aswell when the auction house update was released. :l
stop beeing greedy yourself
Obviously, players that buy CE in big packs and that already spent tons on the game in the past don't exist.
Allowing players who spent money in the past would be problematic. It would allow inactive players into the test server even though they have little knowledge about the current state of the game.
I think that allowing only players who've recently paid has its advantages - mostly being what Velops said, being that it allows players that have recently invested in the game to give more insight, but at the same time, it makes players (myself included) who have paid in the past feel unloved and ignored.
OOO made this game to make money, allowing players to play for free on the side, not the other way around, so it's understandable, but having paid twice the amount of the entry fee in the past, it doesn't sit right with me that paying now has its advantages, but supporting OOO early on didn't.
I can't even think of how the people who've spent hundreds on this game feel.
Let's put this into perspective: if you had chipped in ten dollars within the last thirty days, within the last month, you get to be a beta tester.
Junsei said:
Maybe adding something like " Your account needs to be at least 30 days old" or something that makes SENSE to beta testing would be a better idea.
I'm going to go out on a limb here: I'm guessing that the majority of active Spiral Knights players have been playing for at least a month, and that the Test Server, made for testing purposes only, cannot support the majority of the player base.
I'd like it if Nick let tester record videos, only complain :P
You guys think OOO is greedy? Hah.
Go play a Nexon game, come back and you'll think this is heaven compared to their greed.
All F2P game devs milk the consumers of their money, nothing new here.
While I agree with you, complaining about it on the open forum is not the way to go.