Every kill the player makes can be added to the points. this allows for more useful based killing instead of people just running around capturing everything
Lockdown suggestion- player kills scoring system

I think 10 - 20 points per kill... will be a good ideal instead of 0. it did decrease the number of people who dont bother trying to capture the moment they see someone on the control point since kills dont have scores. I have been on 4 teams where the opposing just avoided us like the plaque and kept capping points. when we came near they just back off and ran off to another one. while we score tons of kills trying to chase them down and stop them from reaching the next point

or every death instead of kill : D seeing how quite a few people die on the shock traps haha

Think that it probably should be you get more points by killing people, but if someone is being reckless with striker shield and zooms past the shock traps then it should be less points but still points.

I agree with this post, kills should give SOME points per kill to discourage too much hide-and-seek tactics.
The point of Lockdown is not to just run around killing everyone. I actually think keeping Lockdown as is provides a much more enjoyable experience - it's not mindless killing, and skilled fighting still plays a huge role in defending or taking points.
Edit: On second read, I see you're suggesting slight point boosts for kills. Sorry, I was thinking you wanted it to be all kills based. : ) It's not a bad idea, provided the focus is still heavily on capturing points, in my opinion.