Hit Boxes
Is it just me or did the flourish family swords and barbarous thorn blade have a huge hit box range? People who were equipped with final rigadon were dominating people at quite a distance compared to most other swords, either that or it involved some kind of fps/lag issue. I haven't tried out all the swords yet, but I think those swords seemed the most buggy.
I'm not, I'm quite a fan of them. Their hit boxes seem to be bugged. Not only that but I hear certain guns also have weird hit boxes as well.

admittedly I haven't played Lockdown yet, but it seems like it'd be the same as fighting a mecha knight―just assume their sword is about twice as long as it really is. One person in that thread I linked said it has the same range as DA, which I think is fine.
No, it was definitely longer than DA. Sometimes I wouldn't even be facing an opponent and I'd still get a hit in on that first swing.
I feel like this is a lag issue, because on their screen you know they get 3 quick swings off. All you see is the first, but theres slight lag (for everyone, always on SK it seems) so you get hit.
Don't dis the Flourish.