About CE and ME, which will be used up first? I've been crafting 2-star equipment recently (played this game for about a week or two), and half my mist energy tank is depleted, which kind of ruins the fun since I can only go for 4 or 5 depths before I have to return to Haven. So, I thought about getting CE to cover up my alchemy costs (for Crowns, of course), and I'm just curious as to which will used first when powering elevators and crafting. Anyone have an answer to my question? I'd check the wiki, but I read the Energy page several times and my answer was not on there (as far as I know). Thanks in advance!
Your mist energy is always used up first before it starts dipping into your crystal energy. However, there will be no warning or notification of when this happens, so if you care, you have to pay attention.
I usually use ME for alchemizing as much as possible, especially on days when I don't have time to play anyway, so I'm not spending CE unless I have to. But if you get some CE to allow you to play, you should be able to earn more CR than it cost to buy back the CE you spent. You might have to sell off some materials to make that happen. But yeah, there isn't as much profit at that point.