Lockdown: Status Effects

Greetings, I didn't see a topic for this, So I created it.
Anyway, Lets discuss the Elements seen in Lockdown (status effects)
I've yet to be poisoned.
I've yet to be burned.
Stun: I tink stun is well balanced for this game, and ultimately the only place a stun bomb is effective.
Curse: Slightly annoying, I recommend making curse slightly less common when players get hit by a Gran faust
Shock: Very annoying. The stage does it, Players bomb spam it, Shock is a bit to over powered. I recommend making the shock effect you less often, As, When standing in a shock cloud currently, You cant move at all and take rapid damage, Plus, the enemy team can easily defeat you.
Freeze: Also well balanced, Maybe now we'll see more Skolvers around.
Sleep... Not going there
Unsure if I forgot any.
Agreed with Orange - Lockdown actually gives the Shock UV a bit more relevance, whereas before it was really only useful in the Roarmulus dungeon. Sure, it's annoying, but freeze is quite annoying too without good freeze resist. Skolver and UVs make that balanced, just as shock UVs can save you from the bombs of this type.
As to the traps... you won't survive those regardless if you step on them. : )
Sleep is OP, so very OP :P
OT: Shock is very annoying, but, uv roll on armor for shock to fix that if you want. Uv rolling for varients your armor shouldn't look like it has make people run, really, you should try it.