Me and my friend got ice burst brandishes.same level friend deals a bit over 100 dmg each swing to elemental weak monsters when I only do about 60-70 dmg.anyone can explain why?
I do not get it.

Hmmm when you mentioned it he has full dusker when I have only a dusker coat and an other 3* helm.
your friend may also be using elite trinkets for sword damage bonus. or he might be using barbarous thorn shield (again, added bonus)
also if your friend has a UV that grants Elemental damage increase it could influence it
I'm fairly certain such a thing does NOT exist.

u are correct it seems, though i don't know why there isnt such a thing in the game....

As others have suggested, your friend might have items that boost his damage. He might also have a bonus vs a particular monster on his sword. Also, there will be a damage difference if your swords are not at the same level.

"Hmmm when you mentioned it he has full dusker when I have only a dusker coat and an other 3* helm."
There's at least part of your answer. Full Dusker gives a medium sword damage bonus, with you only having the coat and another helm you only have a low sword damage bonus. It is also possible his sword may have a UV vs construct or undead which would also up his damage and/or trinkets as others have mentioned.
what armor are you two wearing? if one of u is wearing wolver or skolver you get attack power increase