I would like to point out that it is extremely hard for me to sell any of my 5 star gear due to the broken unbind system. In its current state, buyers are wary of buying bound gear because they are scarred that people will run with their crowns or CE. This is a valid concern and many people have already been scammed. This is the sixth time a buyer has walked away AFTER having agreed to the price for the item SOLELY because I did not have the 4k CE to unbind the item myself.
Please fix this system. Not only does this reduce the amount of work your gamemasters have to do, going through all the scam complaints, it helps the honest sellers in selling their gear.
I also have been telling people that I will give them a mail receipt indicating to game masters that check that such a transaction has occurred. If I did scam the buyer, the mail receipt would indicate the nature of the trade and the time it took place, enough proof to ban me if I did scam them. However, people in general still do not believe that game masters do take these scams seriously and ban offenders. I have several people I know that have been scammed, have reported it to the game masters and have had nothing done to help them.
There are two choices: fix the unbind system or take these scams seriously in order to not make it acceptable for the community to do this.
So you tried to sell to this guy eh?
XD Just kidding (perhaps?)