Exploit with Loadout
I'm not 100% sure if it bypasses using energy to revive since we have an unlimited pool, but if you are dead waiting for respawn and have a load out where your HP is lower than a loadout you want to change to you will automatically respawn. For example. Loudout: Skolver set + Dmg trinkets... then i switch to a loadout with skolver set + true pendants during respawn count down, I will be able to respawn automatically.
Yeah, that's why i waited till the end of the reboot to write on the forums lol

But tomorrow, (or, sence it's 3:33 right now, today), there will be more LD going on :/
Hopefully, they've addressed this bug and got it fixed before the "last?" :( scheduled day of testing.

Do not forget that if you aren't comfortable making a forum post about something you could always leave a detailed bug report in game.
Wait, if this is true, that's slightly bad. I'm too lazy to do this, but i can see a little abuse. :/