So I bought a steelseries PS2-style controller, but through a combination of not playing console games in years and long thumb throw, I'm not liking it. I'm pretty much happy with my mouse/keyboard combo, but...i'm killing my mouse. It was a cheapo no-name from rite-aid, and I've pretty much broken the scroll and right button with my attacking.
So, onto the questions.
1) what do you use for input?
2) does anyone use a 5 button mouse, and use the thumb buttons for shield? That would effectively make this a one-handed game. which would be cool, actually.
3) My main problem is the facing issue with the ps2 controller. Is there a setting to allow running and facing in the same direction via the left joystick (like using a mouse), and if I feel like changing my facing for gunning/strafing, I can use the right joystick on the fly? I know I'm not typing this out very cogently...
I want to have move + face on one joystick until I incorporate the right joystick, much like how mouse movement work until you also use WASD.
I use this.
Weapons are on the scroll wheel as default, left click is attack, and right click is shield. Middle click is Walk Forward for when I'm in Haven or whatever and don't feel like using two hands.
X1 (the top arrow on the left) is vial #1, double click X1 is vial #2, X2 is vial #3, and double click X2 is vial #4. No, you can't map that in-game, and no, I don't care.
Then I just use WASD for movement.