Loadout bugs/improvements
Sun, 09/11/2011 - 11:32

Post any problems that deal with the loadouts and/or ideas that can improve the loadouts.
There is a bug where you cannot create loadouts upon logging in. Sometimes you can fix this problem by logging off and then logging back on.
Another problem is that sometimes when you create a loadout, you will not be able to create another one. To fix this, the player would have to log off then log back on to make another.
Mon, 09/12/2011 - 09:44

one of the issues I was
one of the issues I was having is that while in the match I have one loadout activated and when I try to switch loadouts it wouldn't allow it. not sure why but the only option that it gave me was to remove the loadout. so this is one thing that would def. need to be fixed.
My problem is really annoying:
Every time I either click on the loadout tab or the view knight tab, my game freezes (and all sound stops), and I am unable to even close the window. I have to completely restart my computer to refresh the game. I've also had this problem randomly during games of Blast Network, although it hasn't happened yet during a game of Lockdown, only when I either click on the loadout tab or the knight tab.
It's a really big issue for me; please try to fix this.