Charge attacks are underpowered.

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Glowing-Ember's picture

First of all, Lockdown is ridiculously fun.

Second, weapons need to be made level 10 next testing session or any weapon that relies on a charge attack (bombs, brandishes, catalyzers) will be much worse than it will be after Lockdown goes public.

The real issue, however, are sword and gun charge attacks. I can see gun charges being somewhat useful when sitting on a CP, but the normal advantage of mobility that swords have in PvE is nullified by the class shields.

My suggestion is to somehow incorporate your class ability with the charge. Perhaps allow your class ability to be in effect while charging, but have the meter drain twice as fast?

Legacy Username
Class items.

This is another reason I'd like to see class items over shields, you could pop a striker boost and then start to charge your weapon, but in reality, charge attacks aren't exactly weak for swords at the moment, they can drop people and shields well with two CTR trinkets, CTR and damage will be pretty scary in live.

Gun charges have always been weak, so that's just a gun balance issue, I think.

Randomzz's picture

Let's say we could charge while using class abilities.

I go recon, with divine set and gran faust. I charge GF, go invisible to sneak up on you, you're insta-cursed without warning. Granted, you may get cursed every time, but there'd be an insane amount of damage anyways.

Same scenario except with vog and FoV, and substitute set on fire for cursed.

Strikers rush in and blindside you with DA charge.

Defenders then become very powerful and even more dangerous to take on close range.

I for one like charge attacks not being possible while class abilities are active