Will at any point during the game will the rare mobs be reappearing if so when and how will we know?
rare mobs

The known rare monsters that spawn in place of other monsters are:
Love puppy (replaces any turret)
Mewkat (replaces any kat)
Impostocube (replaces any jelly cube)
Soul Jelly (replaces any lichen)
Rock Jelly (replaces any stone block!)
Rock jellies are actually a feature of Grim Gallery, so are not really that rare anymore. Otherwise, they tend to spawn in T3. Slooms, while technically not a rare monster, are considered such because they were taken out of the regular level spawns but not out of the monster table entries, and thus have a chance to spawn in any monster cage (Scarlet Court, Aurora Valley levels, and maybe some others).
Edit: There are supposedly other implemented but unused entries in the monster table like Tortodrones as well; it's possible someday in the future they may make a comeback.

there the ones im on about but where do u see them ive never seen one nore do i know anyone who has
Just keep playing and you'll see them eventually
It's luck of the draw man

ok thanks for you help people much appreciated
After the new danger room update, i have found a love puppy each time i played a danger room (2 times only xD)
and inside an arena.
and i have seen the Impostocube once at JK palace depth 16.

well i think its fair to say im just unlucky then lol

I've actually seen 6 impostocubes once on depth 16 in the lower right room.
I've seen a love puppy (once) and several impostocubes in the past month, so yes, the rare mobs are here. You're just unlucky.

In the past three months, I've seen:
1 Mewkat (In a regular clockwork tunnels level. Teammate killed it 'cause we were both only playing for one day)
1 Sloom (Gloaming Wildwoods: Terrilous Trail) I believe they took Slooms out completely in the update that removed Sleep UVs.
1 Love Puppy (Firestorm Citadel: Charred Court)
2 Rock Jellies (One in Firestorm Citadel: Smoldering Steps, One in Lockdown: Necropolis on the test server)
7 Impostocubes (All in Garden of Goo or Red Carpet Runaround)
Have yet to see a Soul Jelly.
Right after I read this thread I saw a few Love Puppies in Jigsaw Valley, possibly Jade Tangle I. No trinket drops though.

Isnt there also a huge Poison Lichen? I only have fight one in my gamelife. Wasneb there, so dunno if it was rare or just normal at that place :o
A couple days ago I saw two Mewkats in the same room in Scarlet Fortress. In total I've seen 3 Mewkats, 4 Impostocubes, 1 Soul Jelly, over 10 Rock Jellies outside of Scarlet Fortress and somewhere around 9 Love Puppies. Still not run into a sloom.
the lichen ur talking about is a toxilargo, Xyonon, the only one ingame exists in briar bone barrage, in concrete jungle. thk Vog.......

damm i am unlucky but i play regularly and still have no luck
i wonder if in the near future we might get sleep weapons with the z-core.....

those are found in the old shrine of slumber ,and yes they are rare as hell

From the wiki:
"The Impostocube is simply a well styled Jelly Cube variation, that easily stands out in a crowd of other, petty Jelly Cubes. No rare drops have been found from this devilishly handsome gentleman that would not be found on its not so well groomed counter part. However, the Impostocube seems to be rich enough to always drop a gold coin when killed."
I've killed this numerous times, and I'd say more times than not, it doesn't drop anything at all. Not a single coin or heat orb. I probably killed four or five of them before I ever got any type of drop from them (coin or heat).
I've killed 2 so far. Both dropped a single gold coin and a normal amount of heat

Encountered my first love puppy today :)
Unfortunately it was in a danger room, so I had to kill it in order to progress the level. It didn't drop anything special - just a few coins and some heat.
I saw an impostocube last week, which was my first ever encounter with a rare mob. And it did drop a gold coin.

i saw 2 imposustaches at royal jelly castle 2 TIMES. i wanted to take a picture but dis low life n00b killed it. >:( {R.I.P 2 imposustaches DESCRIPTION: they were cute till some guy killed it }:'(

i saw 2 imposustaches at royal jelly castle 2 TIMES. i wanted to take a picture but dis low life n00b killed it. >:( {R.I.P 2 imposustaches DESCRIPTION: they were cute till some guy killed it }:'(

poor cube thing ill get a pic of a rare if i ever see one
well im not sure whether i saw one or was dreaming (probly sending me crazy) but im sure ill find one soon nothing to cry about :D

I've seen a few impostocubes. The only one I have beef with is the lovepuppy. JK run, last arena room on the 3rd stage. Lovepuppy spawned in the first wave. a guy, a PRO guy, killed it. He walked into a corner before shouting: OMG I JUST KILLED A LOVEPUPPY!?!? OMG NOOB!

I don't think I've ever seen a sloom or soul jelly, but then again I could just not have looked for them.
I've definitely seen a few really ridiculously good looking impostocubes, though, in the Royal Jelly Palace, along with a couple of love puppies. It always sucks to kill a love puppy at the end, but you never know when it'll drop a trinket! Rock jellies are a bit of a norm in the Scarlet Fortress for me as well. My friend encountered a mewcat in Scarlet Fortress one time, too, and shield bounced it through the level until they reached a barrier. It made such a racket. haha
Tortodrones sound awesome. I hope they bring it back!

I think I've seen a vog cub before, in a beast are of tier 2, not sure if it was because we killed it pretty quick...
Didn't get a picture though :(

The vog cub is no longer in the game. The one you see must have been a fire variant of uh wolver.

Thought it was normal... My friend told me that it was a Vog Cub, i knew I had reason to doubt....

well even with the power surge i haven't seen a rare but i did get a funny pic of a glitch in the graveyard :D

The only monsters i havent seen are the Tortodrone, Soul Slime, ToxicLargo, Sloom and Sloombargo...

I've seen like 5 impostocubes and a Vog Cub believe it or not, although this was a few months ago. I took a screen shot if anyone wants to see.

@Aktuar That's just a T3 Alpha Ash-Tail
While I'm at it, I saw a love puppy today. Didn't drop any trinkets though.
Left him alive until we'd cleared out all 4 rooms, then sadly put him down.

@Razudmezeghis and Varja: Sloombargos no longer exist. They were taken out when Shrine of Slumber was taken out. As a monster-rights activist, I find this an outrage.
Edit: Razudmeghis, Tortodrone is also no longer is in the game. Soul Jelly are incredibly rare, Slooms can be found in monster cages at an unbelievably low rate, and Toxilargo are only in tier 3 Briar Bone Barrage, which hasn't been in any of the gates lately.

I swore i saw a sloom in one of the totem cities. If i pass through there again, i post an image if I see another one.

well i spent 600ce doin runs and not 1 rare still altho my friend did see one but would invite :(

I saw Impostocube in RJP some time ago, that's so far the only rare I've seen. He dropped one Gold Coin and a few small heat orbs, nothing much. I may have seen a Toxilargo recently, it was in a T3 Poison Arena after doing a Jelly king run. Although I may just be talking out of my hide.

I saw three love puppies in the last 3 days, I think that doubles the number I've seen and I've been playing since right after the game went public. I've seen all the rare monsters that can be seen, only one soul jelly though.
I've seen both mewkats and impostocubes lately, and I gather others have seen love puppies. What other rare mobs might you be referring to?