Looking at the Wiki, the 3 Star Weapons that transmute from 2 Star Counterparts require them to be Level 1. Is this true or can those 2 Star weapons be at any level?
3 Star Weapons?
Thu, 04/07/2011 - 19:30
Legacy Username
Thu, 04/07/2011 - 20:19
Legacy Username
Is there a reason to level
Is there a reason to level 2-star gear before upgrading it to 3-star?
Thu, 04/07/2011 - 20:22
Legacy Username
Normally people use their 2
Normally people use their 2 star gear while farming and saving up for the reicpie for the 3 star version of it. If you have everything ahead of time, more power to you
Thu, 04/07/2011 - 20:25
Legacy Username
I was just wondering if the
I was just wondering if the unlocked inherent traits carried over, or only unique traits.
Thu, 04/07/2011 - 20:52
No, there is no real
No, there is no real advantage to leveling up the 2* gear higher before transmuting it to the 3* version. The unlocked traits do not carry over, but more than likely you'll unlock the same traits once the 3* item hits 5 or 10. The only thing that will transfer over, is unique variants, provided you have one and have the option selected.
It just means Level 1 at least. So no, the 2 star weapons can be transmuted at any level, provided they are at least the minimum level (in this case, level 1, so even a brand new item can be transmuted :> )