Do T3 runs or T2 runs end up with better CR rewards? Or is it just whichever gate has the most arenas <_<
T3 or T2?

Aurora Isles:
Jelly Farm "1" - it's like a jelly and lumber buffet
Jelly Farm 2 - just don't pay for the turrets
Low Gardens - potentially deadly thanks to wolvers
Stone Grove - too short
Well the current "Slime Stratum 6" gate has a Graveyard/Vault on D28, an arena on D27, and Aurora Isles on D26... so...

Personally I think tier 2 has better payout per energy use, unless there's an aurora isles level you can get to in T3. If you're just farming for coins, JK levels solo is good and easy to get to. If you're mat farming for general selling, T3 beast is superb, IMO. Bushy Tails, Monster Bones and Green Shards eeerywhar. I haven't tried soloing the new Candlestick Keep levels, but generally those pay out nice in T3 too, dropping Ghost Bells and Feathers.
5 star materials are generally not worth the hunt, in my opinion. They're all selling for so little cr nowadays...
here we go..... arenas better on late t2, bc less risk, and pretty good pay.
aurora isles best on t3, t2 if u cant handle t3 yet.
graveyrads: t2, less risk, still god crs, u end up better of for the amount of crs u get VS the amount of energy u spend
treasure vaults: the coins SUCK but u get like 3-7 tokens from them, only good for tokens
with ppl with piercing def, go for jk, for elemental, FSC lol
i wud recommend jk for the gran faust, then using that in ur runs to get a DA, then use DA for FSC :D

The crowns in tier 3 are only a little better, but the materials and Basil recipes are a lot better. The reason to do tier 2 is if you can't handle tier 3 yet.
Well T3 will usually have better payout but arenas can alter that.
either you have
1. Vanaduke has best payout hands down vs. Jelly King
2. If any other gates then T3 has slightly more
3. If one has more than 2 arenas after Basil/Clockwork terminal then it has best payout
Really depends on the levels you get. Aroura Isles has good CR And heat too plus if theres wolvers then you get decent materials too.