Recorded Lifetime Stats

It would be really nice to have recorded lifetime stats that you could view on inspect.
Such as:
Lifetime Kills:
Lifetime Deaths:
Average Kills per game:
Average Deths per game:
Lifetime Captures:
Lifetime Defends:
Average Captures per game:
Average Defends per game:
Lifetime Damage:
Average Damage per game:
Time played as striker:
Time played as recon:
Time played as guardian:
Maybe even add achievements... like capture a certain number of areas or defend or kill.. etc...

Also at the end of the match I woiuld love to see number of Kills and deaths.

Glad this has gotten so much support so far, thanks guys!
Huzzah for this, and while you're at it, give us chat tabs and a chat scroll buffer that goes back more than 20 lines
Yes. Then people can see that I am a hard kill. :3c

I'll support it although I think you're just having a tiny losing fit here with your two posts ;)
And lol twili. True, but still... lol.

I see no harm. But it'd force me to link to steam in which i don't want to do =S

No, screw steam, it's horrible, I want inspectable stats in-game.

This would be awfully nice to have +1

Nice one. I'd like to be able to hide it if I want tho :P.
Would be great to see this once Lockdown is released. I know TF2 does this and you can view over steam. Maybe add another tab, "Stats" is simple enough, when inspecting other players.