I've been wondering...do minerals give any sort of bonus as you're carrying them? The reason I ask is because I've noticed (generally not until T2) that if you pick up a huge mineral, it increases your total health. It doesn't heal you, just increases your total health by 1 bar. So after looking at the minerals, I was wondering if each color gave a hidden bonus of some sort (red = fire resist or maybe HP, blue = ice resist, yellow = shock, green = poison, purple = shadow, etc.). Maybe the type of mineral you pick up based on the level or stratum you're in?
Just curious what other people think because the whole thing with my HP increasing when I pick up certain huge minerals got me confused. I wish I had kept better track of what minerals I'm picking up and what level/stratums I'm on at the time...but I will start doing so now.
okay, it's not just me. I could have sworn I saw my HP bar change after picking up a mineral...