You were asking tester to test the new gear, but they prefer doing t3.
Please delete all to allow all player only get t1 and t2 gear.
You were asking tester to test the new gear, but they prefer doing t3.
Please delete all to allow all player only get t1 and t2 gear.
already deleted my char, see youguys on official
Well in my point of view you are playing to test if things broken. But people can't choose to test them alone and most poeple just missed that their task is to test new stuff.
Still at discusion, still Devs should send and email inviting people to test, in case they just don't want to delete all.
I would suggest specific testing periods for T1, and then T2 matches. Since the high-end gear is still readily available to us, no one has really bothered to try lower-tier battles.
Oh.... were we meant to start a new character? i was wondering where all the t1/2 stuff was =S
I personally thing t1 lockdown would be epic, with them heavy hatchets and whatnot. I'll make a new character next testing period =O
so yeah, idm a character wipe. we're testers anyway.
there were people running around trying to get a proto gear match started last night, but no dice.
Well GM equinox told us to get into t1 gear, but a lot of us weren't able to join a game. Some ppl were waiting for a long time. When people did they were matching us with t3 players lol. Equinox said it was broken and told us to get into our t3 gear and play it up!
Edit: It's getting ridiculously hard to test t2 or t1 gear. Ppl are too busy about they're f'ing rank right now. I don't know about you guys, but when this comes out on the main servers I want it to be bugless, balanced, and working properly. So, how about more testing and cooperation? Good thing though is that with my t1 gear on I can't seem to join a game when queued, but would like to see if I can even get into a game.
We don't need to wipe your characters to do this. Simply create a new knight in one of your empty slots. You'll have all the new gear.
I don't know if it's about wiping the characters.. it's more or less trying to test out t1/t2 gear because people keep playing with their t3 gear that we can't get a t1/t2 game going.
Jpod just got the point, people keep doing the t3 play because they can and since there isn't enough people to test t1 or t2 and since our time is limited I don't want to be waiting forever for a game that will never start for lack of players.
Perhaps I'm being idealistic then. I was hoping that as a tester, players would understand our need to test specific content. That's why we created this server in the first place.
I undestand Nick, but maybe people missed that there were new content and neded to make a new charachter or they were lazy to do it, or they wanted to keep it's main charachter, or they were just having lot of fun with t3 already to even try t1 or t2. Could be a lot of reasons still people not testing the stuff, some people who I invited to test t1 just were like "no, thanks"
So I was wondering nick if you could make a message of some kind, to tell players to play with their t1/t2 gear. Or make it so that t3 play is restricted for an hour or so on the next testing. I'd like to try it out, because new players would not like LD as much if that tier match making is still "buggged." or better yet get rid of the ranking for right now lol. Ppl are getting addicted to it for some reason.
To elaborate, I was personally thinking of all non-applicable content -things outside of what is desired to be tested- to be disabled.
For those who do want to try Tier 1 and 2 matches in the current free-will environment, there just aren't enough of them to keep consistent playtesting. As it is, the Tier 3 matches are
- More fun/exciting
- Good practice, since it reflects most of our live SK arsenals, and prepares for higher level of play regardless
Given timeframes for testing, retaining access to the equipment, and being 'free' to do so, T3 matches are much more desireable for the majority of us to play.
All in all, everyone should make sure what needs to be done is done. We are using this to ensure upcoming content is fit for release, afterall!
It definitely is fun to try out the t3 gear you have already and such, but I'm thinking of the friends that I can potentially get to play this game with this new PvP release. If we can just make an hour or so of pure t1 and t2 battles out of the time limit to see if it works or if there are any bugs with the tier match making, or load out system we can inform devs and GM's right away. They've been pretty consistent with our feed back, so I'd really like to help them out more with this when they actually take our feedback pretty seriously.
I'm all for testing the lower star gear to be honest I think that is going to be the more interesting and varied game play.
Could you lock out all current knights with an explanation splash that a new knight must be made?
Only release T1 equips for that knight.
And the same for T2.
Schedule this for a whole testing day each.
Can't wait to see that wolver with 3 UVs for pvp, going to open up a while new market for gear, LOL.
But I agree that testing should have stayed for 5* gear as that is the most important thing to test.
Perhaps I'm being idealistic then. I was hoping that as a tester, players would understand our need to test specific content. That's why we created this server in the first place.
People want to pay $10 for unlimited energy, access to modes before everyone else and the best equipment stuck in their lap.
You're not going to get any real testing done.
This is pretty much the same as what happened with WoW's test server until they opted for only taking max level character transfers that had to be confirmed by Support Staff.
5 star gear is not the most important thing to test. The most important thing to test is everything. New content like this will bring a surge of new players, meaning lots of new t1 and t2 players. I don't know if you haven't tried a t2 match, but it's incredible more fun to play than a t3 match. What we've been trying to test if the tier match making is working, loadout bugs, and possible weapons/armor bugs. Would you want a t1 player on your random t3 team? Would you want to play with someone exploiting loudout bugs? Test, Test, Test.
Heck no. We don't need to be forced to test the lower tiers; we can do that on our own.