Now, the title may be a bit confusing, so just let me explain.
So our characters, our Knights... All they are is some armour that usually shows a pair of glowing eyes.
Are we robots, with screens for faces? Do we just have really shadowy faces? Are we a Jawa sub-species? Are we ghosts or something?
Any ideas on what Knights actually are?
So what exactly ARE we?
We're the Ultimate Badasses. State of the Badass art. You do not want to f*** with us.
Nightshade at one point had in its description that it was poisonous to humans. Nick said it was a developer oversight and they changed it, but someone once said that doesn't technically mean we aren't human (it's unlikely though). (if you were curious)
We're robots made by the Clockworks, programmed to believe we're living beings, and produced in the "Crash Site" with false memories of a crashing spaceship, with the sole purpose of delving the Clockworks and keeping monster overpopulation under control, with the energy source in the core being a MacGuffin designed to give us a reason to want to try to explore the Clockworks. That's why even though we supposedly crashed long ago, thousands of rescue pods are still popping up - because they're being manufactured directly at the crash site with the Knights inside.
To put it in other words: I have no idea.
idk, but 2 things i wanna mention
1 character selection - looks like a model walking..
2 interaction animation - fingering some invisible something?..
I think that the Skylark never had any physical crew. It's just a huge computer and construction facility and all our consciousnesses were stored in a massive databank. When the ship crashed it triggered an emergency procedure and the construction facility started making bodies and imbuing them with the personalities stored in it's data banks. That's why all of us didn't (and don't) show up at the crash site at the exact same time. It takes time and materials to make knightly bodies. The computer is currently creating knights and sticking personalities into them as fast as it can, just as it did when the ship crashed and it will keep doing so until all the knights in it's databanks are released. It also explains why we have very set choices of armors and styles during creation. The construction facility can only use the materials and (deconstructed) equipment that's sold back to vendors so a simplified menu is necessarily to get the most out of those materials.
So, in short, I think we're manufactured bodies instilled with a consciousness. WHERE that consciousness came from and why it was stored in the Skylark's data banks, I'm not speculating on. Yet.
I think we're an intangible lifeform that uses fabricated shells for physical functioning. Maybe a civilization who had to flee their own galaxy, and the ignition of their star to a pulsar destroyed all life's physical bodies, but left a psychic imprint of the people. Ghosts, basically. Ghosts who know they're ghosts and have manufactured functionality in the dimension they're trapped in.
They've designed a line of armor suits that can contain the imprint, as well as be powered by the ambient energy, when drawn through and processed by the imprint. A combination of materials, energy, and psychic focal points (those oddball mats that wouldn't be useful in building) allow for higher-level suit crafting.
The Skylark's engine system provided ample energy for all uses onboard, but now it's a difficult process to attain the energy, although it's a universe-wide phenomenon, it's more prevalent where there isn't a lot of matter to soak it up. Our characters would recharge in minutes in space, and would never see a dent in the ME if in deep space, close to a pulsar.
A form of this energy can be recycled from the corpses of our enemies, but it isn't digestible to the entity themselves, just the armor they're wearing. Thus, heat.
I think we're stick figures in space suits.
I think we're biomechs/cyborgs, or something...
Okay, here's a really random idea I got... maybe inside the body of each Knight is a weird bio-fluorescent noodly calamari (our personal colors!) or slug that at some point got stuck into a powered armor, grew into it, and permanently became part of it.
The Knight's body uses this atrophied squid to do things a pure machine Construct cannot do, like taste and drink and sleep... think of "Lawnmower robots" that use bacterium, except with... considerably more complex tissues and highly advanced mechanics... and teeth, of course.
Our sapience and the resulting very-human personalities and intellect may even result from what would be a very high-end computer from our P.O.V. interacting with/utilizing an otherwise non-sapient squid brain as part of the circuitry
AND it might answer just how we keep turning up in Rescue pods and how we can survive a really long space trip- consider that the memory/important data of the Knight is in the mechanical components rather than the squid... The mechanical stuff can probably last a really long time, and we can keep growing a colony of squid on board the ship.
When the time comes for a Knight to get into action, just stick a squid in him. Of course, it takes time to breed and grow squids, and time too for it to integrate with the mechanical components.
this post full of crazy was bought to you by Overthinking Private Limited
We used to be humans.
But since knights always need to battle, otherwise they become unemployed, the rate of injuries was slightly higher than that of humans having a more common job.
This resulted in collecting more an more mechanical replacements for damaged knees, lost fingers, etc. ... until there was nothing else left than... our soul inside some mechanical cabled iron body.
We have noses.
Look closely on the 2* cobalt if you didn't notice it already.
Robots don't need noses.
I think Tengutengu has a nice theory - I always thought we were ghosts in robotic shells (Think Stalkers from the ME Quartet, sorta).
I saw some fan art just yesterday showing a Knight with most of their armour off, showing a kind of robotic skeleton.
I think it goes in "layers": "Ghost", exoskeleton, armour, but the face/head is mostly exposed.
As for the "manufactured bodies" theory, which goes into the fact we don't all crash at the same time... I think basically all of our pods were launched incorrectly, and floated in space for some time, before being pulled into gravity.
Oi, its been said before in other threads, but Vanaduke has a face like ours once his mask is destroyed... could be something there.
First, noses. If we're an imprint of a human or near-human entity, but we still strive to maintain a 4 limbed/upright stance with our encasements, it would stand to reason that the ectoplasm (psi-plasm?) or whatever it is that comprises our pseudophysicality would have the features that we once had, and now miss. The fact that our armors are close matches to actual armor designs would mean that we as ghosts are still heavily biased to our previous forms.
I think Vanaduke is an example of a Spiralian (BAM! COINED!) who has been too close to the core for too long. The amount of energy generated by the core, added to a maniacal entity bent on rebuilding his lost power and strength by any means necessary. Not a Spiralian, but made of the same stuff; psi-plasm. Just much, much more of it.
I wonder what Alphas Squad looks like now?
This is the stuff I love doing. intricate backstories. If I had a scanner, I'd be using my art degree to do some visuals too.
were part of a game, a bit of programming........................XD
all i know is that snipes and monomi have the answer
I can tell you what we used to be--space marines.