A list of suggestions

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Legacy Username

I've been playing the game for about a week or two. So note that some of these things could be in the game and I just didn't experience them or know about them.

1. Make power-ups more visually clear as to what it is. If one power-up is blue and one is lightish-blue I have no idea which is which unless I hover over them which puts you out of the action mentally. I would suggest maybe making the symbols different for powerups that deal more with hit points (like fire or poison) and powerups that are status effects (like sleep or freeze).

2. Make power-ups droppable/tradable. If my friend is about to die it'd be nice to give them my pokeball.. I mean.. the health power-up.

3. Make health upgrades droppable. You would probably do this by clicking on a health bar and then a small popup comes up asking if you're sure. What I mean is you'd be able to drop the health upgrades you find after you use them. You, of course, wouldn't be able to drop health past your starting default health. This would help when someone joins your party mid-game and you have like 10 life and they only have 5. The problem with the current health system is it requires your team to be fully aware of everyone's health, and that doesn't always happen in a pug.

4. Make a chat channel that allows you to speak to everyone in your world or whatever it's called. What I mean is you know how there's different towns and they all have their own arcade levels? Make it so if, for instance, you're in the first town you can talk to anyone that's in the town AND anyone that's in any of the levels associated with the town. That way if a level is too hard you can ask people to join you. It'd also be nice if I could talk to my friends easier without having to whisper all the time.

5. After you say something in chat remove focus from it automatically. Can't tell you how many times I've said something in a level and then tried to move with wasd and ended up going like "awwswwww" into chat.

6. There are some objects that take 3 or so hits to break. It'd be nice if stronger, more heavy weapons didn't require the 3 hits. A good way to go about this would be to put each weapon into a class. There could be a "heavy", "medium", and "light" class. Then do something like give a block 100 hit points. Then make it so no matter what kind of sword you use in that class it still takes the same hit. What I mean is make it so that like ANY light weapon would do 25 damage a hit (so it would take 4), ANY medium weapon would do 34 damage a hit (would take 3 like normal), and ANY heavy weapon would do 50 damage a hit. Also by putting the weapons into classes you could create new equipment that give buffs for specific weapon classes. For instance you could have a 'Medium Damage Bonus: High' effect that would buff the damage of all medium class weapons.

7. Instead of hitting bombs with the nerf bat, instead make it so they are plantable without charging but the blast radius starts out small and increases as you charge. This would essentially mean you could plant bombs to attack single enemies without having to charge but to attack multiple enemies with a bomb you would need to charge the bomb.

8. Make it so you can preview what an item looks like before you buy the item/recipe.

9. Make it so spikes do damage to enemies. I've noticed some things seem to hit enemies (like poison vines) but I've never really seen any monster get hurt by spikes except for the giant turtles. It could add a strategic layer to hit monsters into spikes with weapons that have heavy knockback (like the troika). You could even do things to flesh out the system like make ghost creatures immune to spike damage (since they're incorporeal). You would have to improve the enemy AI though as they all seem to just walk through spikes as if they don't exist.

10. Make it so there's some sort of timer delay (maybe 5 seconds?) where you can't self-rez after you die. Self-rezzing seems to increase the cost for everyone so using it should be a last resort and too many times on pugs I've seen people just use it right after they die before I have a chance to run over and rez them.

11. If you get booted or leave a level you should get refunded energy depending on how long you were in the level. I entered this one level and there was a team. The leader booted me instantly and I lost 10 energy.

12. Make some sort of pet system. It doesn't have to be a physical pet that goes with you in levels. It could be something as simple as a slot in your character screen and you get a passive buff depending on what type of pet you have. Something I noticed is you end up with more materials than you can shake a stick at and there's nothing to do with them. Maybe you could make it so that the pets need food periodically or else the slot locks and the passive bonus is gone until you feed them again. Then make it so you can use alchemy to make pet food. This would make it so that there's a reason to get materials outside of normal equipment.

13. Make it so you can switch equipment in "non-combat" levels in dungeons (like the one with the merchant and replenishable hearts).

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting but that looks good.

Legacy Username
2: You can already drop them,

2: You can already drop them, just drag them out of the slot with your mouse.

Legacy Username
After you say something in

After you say something in chat remove focus from it automatically.

Yeah, I think this is a common problem and probably one that should be addressed. I've seen "ssdawwwwwwdsadwdaws" in the chat a lot more often than I should have. It's especially dangerous in combat.

Shoebox's picture
6. You could just give the

6. You could just give the blocks 3 hit points, make swords do 1 for light, 2 for medium and 3 for heavy. This would also be good for those crystal things.

8. Some monsters spawn on top of spikes, I think the reason they're there is because they're an additional hazard to players, since monsters by themselves aren't all that challenging.

10. I agree with this, I think the revive window should be more like a game over thing, with the energy revives being continues as opposed to just letting people spam them when they're down.
It's pretty much made the assisted rez redundant the way it is now.

11. I've had this happen to me before, the truth is there's no real way to balance this. If you give people a way to take a free ride, they're going to abuse it.

Bifurcate's picture
Lead Programmer
Yeah, I think this is a

Yeah, I think this is a common problem and probably one that should be addressed. I've seen "ssdawwwwwwdsadwdaws" in the chat a lot more often than I should have. It's especially dangerous in combat.

We've had a lot of requests for this. It will be changed in the next release.

Legacy Username
Thanks! I really appreciate


I really appreciate how much you guys are listening to us. I've rarely seen this.

But I guess I've rarely been in closed beta events.

Legacy Username
#1 The only somewhat

#1 The only somewhat confusing ones I find is Shock/Sleep/Freeze and even then, I have gotten used to it. (Sleep is dark blue, Freeze is Slate blue, Shock is electric blue). Otherwise they are pretty self explanitory (Orange=Fire, Green=Poison, Red=Curse). As well, you can always hover over them in inventory or on the ground to get a description.

#2 I'm glad someone else calls them pokeballs as well...

#10 Other players do not effect your personal rez energy cost. But the energy cost to rez party will go up, since thats essentially the sum of the current rez costs for each dead party member.

#11 Meh, complicated math, especially when levels aren't all the same, and as players can spread over the entire level if they please. 10 energy is 2.5 cents no biggie. I think more to the point would be a better way to set up pugs, some sort of clearer matchmaking/advertising so that scenarios such as this don't happen.

Otherwise, good suggestions.

Legacy Username
11. I'm not sure what to do

11. I'm not sure what to do about getting booted immediately, but if we could get a list of parties in progress, then it could also show us how long they've been in the current level.

Legacy Username
If you get booted or leave a

If you get booted or leave a level you should get refunded energy depending on how long you were in the level. I entered this one level and there was a team. The leader booted me instantly and I lost 10 energy.

I found this particularly annoying when I ended up entering the Clockworks Terminal and the person I joined headed straight to the Haven one.

I don't know what to do about it. On one hand, that's the perfect place to add new people to your party. On the other, it shouldn't accept new party members if the existing party isn't continuing.

Perhaps these elevators shouldn't have to require the full party to be on them? (Edit: I see Nick's mentioned this is on the to-do list in a separate thread.)

Legacy Username
Does it cost you energy for

Does it cost you energy for joining a group if they are at the Terminal? Joining at a Terminal should be like joining at a lobby. Then again, with the money that appears, it could end up being free crowns.

Legacy Username
I seriously doubt a free 8-40

I seriously doubt a free 8-40 crowns is going to break the game.

Anyway, joining a group at a terminal IS free because again, the elevators in clockwork terminals do not cost energy to use.

Legacy Username
The crowns from one Terminal

The crowns from one Terminal is negligible, but I can't help but wonder if "Terminal-Hopping" might become common.

Legacy Username
11. About the boot part

Really, this issue could be easilly resolved this way: When someone is being kicked, it would apear a small box at the side of the interface of every vharacter, instead the one being kicked. It would ask for a vote, and, if there are more votes for yes, the player would be kicked, but, not instantly. If the party is at a dungeon, they would need to finish nthe floor as a team, them, when they get to the next floor, the kicked character would be able alone in the floor, while the other members would be in a separated floor. This would make so the party could only kick at the end, and also would make so the kicked character could continue the dungeon, without spending their 10 energy points. Also, not everyone can buy energy.

Legacy Username
That could result in a

That could result in a problem. If I joined a floor and was immediately votekicked, I'm going to rage at them and not go to the next party checkpoint thing. If all players need to be on it for it to activate, I highly doubt the player getting kicked will be in any mood to cooperate.

Legacy Username
12. Make some sort of pet

12. Make some sort of pet system. It doesn't have to be a physical pet that goes with you in levels. It could be something as simple as a slot in your character screen and you get a passive buff depending on what type of pet you have. Something I noticed is you end up with more materials than you can shake a stick at and there's nothing to do with them. Maybe you could make it so that the pets need food periodically or else the slot locks and the passive bonus is gone until you feed them again. Then make it so you can use alchemy to make pet food. This would make it so that there's a reason to get materials outside of normal equipment.

I have nothing to add here other than YES. I would love to have pets that give passive buffs.

11. If you get booted or leave a level you should get refunded energy depending on how long you were in the level. I entered this one level and there was a team. The leader booted me instantly and I lost 10 energy.

I think this has happened to most of us at least once by now. I've also joined groups where the person says "oh... I was soloing, but I guess you can stay." It feels awkward to stay because they don't really want you there, but sometimes I find myself sticking around because I don't want to waste my energy.

I think if you get booted before the dungeon has completed, your energy should be refunded - but you shouldn't be able to keep any crowns or items that you gained during that time, either.

King-Tinkinzar's picture
Well Rose, there would be

Well Rose, there would be problems with the energy refunding if you are booted... The part where you shouldn't be able to keep any crowns or items gained would lead to people booting someone at the end of the level if somebody got an item they wanted, or just to be rude.

Legacy Username
If people were able to keep

If people were able to keep crowns and items after getting kicked, then that would be quickly taken advantage of. Someone hops into a friend's game, gets some items and crowns, then have their friend kick them out - and they get to keep their energy, to boot. Free items, free crowns, no energy lost. It's a tricky situation. Losing energy after someone kicking you is pretty rough. I'd rather lose 5-10 minutes of crowns and items than energy. I prefer to not solo in MMOs, since I think they're at their most fun when played with other people. I love the idea that I can jump into a game with strangers and not have to wait for my friends to log on. But after jumping into a few dungeons where I get booted instantly or my presence is clearly not wanted, it discourages me from wanting to play with people I don't know.

Legacy Username
for rose

I already wrote this in another topic, but i will write here again, because i'm to lazy to search the topic:
Let's remove the "stay till end"feature from kicking. If a player get's kicked, he will be teleported to a waiting room, where he can go home, and get refunded depending on how far he gone in the dungeons, keeping itens/crowns, or could select to continue from the last checkpoint (this should be the last party switch pressed). If he was near the next switch, he would respawn at it;. If near the one before, them he would respawn at it. What comes before the switch would not mather, as the palyer would not be able to return anyways. And, if they respawn at the nest switch, and see that they lost a big reward, they can still leave, and get refunded by how much he gone in the dungeon. So, making a dungeon getting barelly 10% of the things, and exiting at the final should give a refund based on those 10%, plus the fact that he was near the final (so, almost the same refund as someone that got 50% of everything and is at the half section after the first switch), making so that people don't abuse this system.

Legacy Username
Anyway, joining a group at a

Anyway, joining a group at a terminal IS free because again, the elevators in clockwork terminals do not cost energy to use.

Leaving the terminal is free, but I had 100 energy when I entered the elevator to take me to that path, and 90 when I got back to Haven.

Another idea, and this may exist and I not know it, is that the party leader can appoint someone else in the party leader and leave.

Legacy Username
Riuil, you hit a spot

I really didn't noticed that we didn't had this system yet....well pointed. And, even if the terminal is free, it could be able to form the party before entering, and making so that, when the leader enters, everyone joins too, making so everyone have the same chance (apart from the connection speed) to get those 2 canisters at the begin, if you're doing a dungeon with unknown people.