Idea to prevent camping at the other base

I had an idea that might prevent camping at the enemy base. Though it's not a HUGE problem it can be a small one at times. My idea was that, if you loiter near the enemy base for 5 seconds, you get knocked back and take damage. I know you'll say that you could just stay a short ways away, but if you're fighting right next to it, it'll be hard not to hit it accidentally.

I've been in a few matches where teams sat at the other team's base and killed them as soon as they came out. :/ They didn't even have time to run back in and heal since the whole team attacked them.
Yeah it's an issue. I was in a match where we got completely trolled.
Not only are the GF and DA too strong but the entire opposing team were recons and camped out at our base while invisible then two hit killed us as soon as we walked out. We didn't have a chance to get out at all and lost by like 400 points. I wish i was exaggerating but i'm not.

Usually when that happens its because one team were playing too good or the other too bad to get everyone dead. Teams camping usually happens when all the bases are already taken out and the adventage is really big. I have managed to achieve this kind of "camping" with my team but really never experienced it against me. It depends of skill, both teams are able to do such and if running away is proble, get racon, sneak away and capture one unprotected base away from them.

If it's being camped by bombers, even recons can't leave safely.
Well Poul, i'm glad you're so awesome to figure it all out. Good job for you.
moving on.
Camping isn't a HUGE problem but it is A problem. That was the one time I experienced it. I'm not a big offensive player. I'm more of a support player, defensive. Which is why guardian works for me while bombing. I do like the idea of getting too close to the shield some sort of status comes over them. Like if they touch the opposing shield they are stunned or something. That wouldn't be too bad or excessive but discourage people from standing right there all the time.
There were some good players on my team in that particular match and even they couldn't stay alive long enough to get away. I went in recon mode and got out and started taking over bases to try and get them away, time ran out though.
You do know you can shoot through the force fields right? Idk about sword swings.. but you can def shoot through them.

With the changes they made to the gates to be more wider it may require like 3 bomber spamming bombs, also you can shot to bombers from insede your safe zone and stop them from charging.
u mad or u jelly? because your comment to me doesn't provides anything to the topic. I am just poiting my experience.

The team on the inside can hit through them, but if the opposing team camps out with recon, that won't help much. Go out to hit and see if there's anyone there, get teamed up on and killed. Stay inside to be safe, and nothing gets done.
When i see that exclamation point above my head i start swinging my btb.. Or shield it up. Rcons will surround the guardian and hopefully your teammates will benefit from your commendable sacrifice or help you by shooting the rcons.
Yes i realize you can hit through the shield as mistelli made a good reply i need say no more.
yes my comment was on topic poul, and i don't waste time on anger or being mad... especially on a game. I gave my point of view and relayed my experience. That's what three rings wants from us. To test their products and relay our experiences back to them. I did such.
and i'm always jelly. ;)
Is this really an issue I can't say I've noticed any significant camping.