Good job, dumpers.
This gate is chock-full of awesome, while still bringing a little pain. I see...jelly arenas, with none of them (hopefully) having those little jerkface Oilers in em. Oilers ruin my day, because there is substantially less Ash of Agni usage. Notice I didn't say none...depends on the group I'm in.
Does anyone else think of the V.P. candidate Spiro Agnew when they say that bomb name to themselves?
I see...ample equipment swaps! always nice to have to retool at Basil. It's not like we're buying anything there, as he's been a total moron lately. Nothing but Bolted Blades and Bombastic Demo stuff.
I'll get to stab things with my Snarbostab 3000. Devilites and other doggies, with a couple of stupid dead cats to boot.
You know, something just occurred to me, and I'm a little horrified. Snarbolax is a big ole dog, right? One of the items is the barb...which is a long pointy thing with a red tip.
I don't like T6, but I'm not gonna go there anyway, so there.
...probably was ripped from its back. Not from another place.
Some people stand in the darkness...
Afraid to step into the light...
Some people need to help somebody...
...ahem, sorry.